Effective User Rights Report

This report displays the effective module and function rights for Costpoint users in a table format.

Note: We strongly recommend using prompt filters to narrow the report output, even though the report does not require prompts to run it. There are no required prompts because they limit usability in cases where you may need to use different combinations of filters to generate the desired output. For example, you may need to see all the rights of a particular user or user group, or you may need to see all the users or user groups that have permissions to a specific application or module.

If you tried to generate a report of all users and user groups with all the modules and applications of the system, this would produce an enormous output. And although BI queries and reports can typically handle large volumes of data, this report is pulling from two different data sources (CPDATA and CPSYSTEM). Running this report requires local processing instead of database processing and could significantly impact the performance of this report and other reports running on this server. Any report running over 6 hours will automatically end, but we want to avoid knowingly initiating a query that could tax the system. We will continue to monitor this report's usage and run times and may opt to make future changes requiring certain prompt settings if this becomes problematic in production environments.