Update Per Diem Schedule

This is the general process for updating per diem schedule.

Before you can import per diem schedules into Time & Expense the current schedules should be uploaded to the Alternate File Location. Instructions for this process are provided below.

As a prerequisite, you must first obtain the CONUS and OCONUS ASCII files from the Defense Travel website. If you are not familiar with that process, see KB Article # 86449 for more information.

To update per diem schedule in Costpoint, complete the following steps:

  1. Click on Process > File Upload on the menu bar.

    Note that there should be at least one application open before this will become available.

  2. Browse for the Per Diem file.
  3. Select the T&E import location on the Alternate File Location field.
    If unsure which Alternate File Location to select:
    1. Check Time & Expense > Configuration > General Controls > General Settings > Miscellaneous tab.

    2. Verify what's on the Import Location field.

  4. Click on Upload.

    Do the same File Upload process for the OCONUS file if using both CONUS and OCONUS rates on the Per Diem Schedule.

After the files has been uploaded to the import location, you can import them

  1. Go to Time & Expense > Configuration > Interfaces > Import Master Data.
  2. Click on the gears to Process/Resubmit Imports.