Contents of the Transaction Analysis Screen

Use this screen to view project cost transactions or raw indirect non-labor costs charged to the Organization selected and all organizations under the selected organization.

Report Parameters

Field Description
Org ID

This is a required field. Click to select the Org ID.

Time Frame

Select the time frame you want to display. Choose from the following options:

  • Fiscal Year: This option displays non-labor costs according to fiscal year. Click to select the Fiscal Year.
  • Fiscal Year/Period: This option displays non-labor costs according to fiscal year or period. Click to select the Fiscal Year and Period/Period End Date.
  • Fiscal Year/Range: This option displays non-labor costs according to fiscal year or range. Click to select the Fiscal Year, Period Start and Period/Period End Date.
Search Type

Select the type of search you want the system to perform. Choose from the following options:

  • Account Type: Click to select the Account Type and Vendor /Employee.
  • Text String Search: You can use additional text search parameters for Name, Description and Comments Column. Enter an account description in the field and choose from the following options:
    • AND: Select this parameter to include all of the words specified in the field.
    • OR: Select this parameter to include one or more of the words specified in the field.


Click Details to view lower level information.

Use this table to view detailed information about the transaction analysis.

Column Headings Description
Org ID This column displays the Organization ID.
Proj ID This column displays the Project ID
Acct ID This column displays the Account ID
Name This column displays the Employee Name.
FY This column displays the Fiscal Year.
PD This column displays the Period of the charges.
SUB This column displays the Sub Periods.
Trans Date This column displays the date of the transaction.
Hours This column displays the Hours.
Description This column displays the Description of the charges.
Comments This column displays the Comments about the charges.
Amount This column displays the Amount of the charges.