
These are the Audit Log prompts.

Prompt Message


Date Range

Select the start date for the report's date range.

In the From: field, enter the start date assigned to audit logs or click the calendar icon to select the date.

In the To: field, enter the end date assigned to audit logs or click the calendar icon to select the date.

You can opt to select the Earliest date or the Latest date possible for the audit log dates.

Limit log type

Select the log type for the report:
  • Authorized
  • Unauthorized

Limit part

In the Keywords field, enter a portion of one or more parts to search for and include in the report.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Limit rev

Select a revision.

Limit employee(s)

In the Keywords field, enter a portion of one or more employees to search for and include in the report.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.