Employee Details Tab

Use this tab to collect detailed information about the employee for whom you are recording a reported accident or illness.

Update this tab whenever an employee has been injured in a work-related accident or reports an illness due to working conditions.

Personal Details

Field Description
Marital Status

Use this drop-down list to select the marital status that applies to this employee. Valid options are:

  • Single
  • Married
  • Divorced
  • Widowed

This non-editable field displays the employee's address, as defined on the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.


Enter the employee's current home telephone number in this optional field. This field defaults with the employee's home phone number specified on the Address tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.

Date of Birth

This non-editable field displays the employee's date of birth, as defined on the Employee Info tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.


M (Male) or F (Female) displays in this non-editable field. This information defaults from the HR Data tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.

Dependent Children

Enter a maximum of two digits to indicate the employee's number of dependent children. This field is optional. This field defaults with the total number of children (that is, where the Relationship is Son, Stepson, Daughter, or Stepdaughter) specified as active dependents for the employee ID in the Employee Dependents/Beneficiaries screen.

Social Security Number

The employee's social security number, as defined on the Employee Info tab of the Manage Employee Information screen, displays in this non-editable field.

Job Information

Field Description

Enter, or use to select, the code for this employee's functional job title. The default value that displays comes from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. This field is validated against the Functional Job Titles table, and a warning message is issued if it differs from what is recorded on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. You can override the warning message and have the data accepted the way you entered it. This field is required.

A description of the code is displayed in the unlabeled field to the right. You can accept the default description as shown, or you can alter the description for this injury/illness record. This field is required.


Enter, or use to select, the code for this employee's home organization. The default value comes from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

A description of the code displays in the unlabeled field to the right. You can accept the default description shown, or you can modify it for this injury/illness record. This field is required.

Hire Date

Enter the employee's hire date in MM/DD/YYYY format. If you selected the Effective Date is Hire Date check box on the HR Info tab for any of the employee's Manage Employee Salary Information records, this field defaults with the Effective Date of the employee's most recent Manage Employee Salary Information record. 

If the employee has no Manage Employee Salary Information records where the Effective Date is Hire Date check box is selected, this field defaults with the employee's Current Hire from the Employee Info tab of the Manage Employee Information screen.

Time In Current Job

Field Description

Enter a maximum of two digits for the number of years this employee has worked in this position. This is a required field. This information normally displays by default from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.


Enter a maximum of two digits for the number of months beyond the number of years this employee has worked in this position. This field is required. This information normally displays by default from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.

Time with Current Employer

Field Description

Enter a maximum of two digits for the number of years the employee has worked for this company. This is a required field. This information defaults in based on the employee's hire date and date of injury.


Enter a maximum of two digits for the number of months beyond the number of years the employee has worked for this company. This field is required. This information defaults in based on the employee's hire date and date of injury.

Salary Information

Field Description
Paid By

Use this drop-down list to select how the employee is paid. Valid options are:

  • Hour: Select this check box if the employee is paid by the hour.
  • Piece Work: Select this check box if the employee is paid for piece work.
Days Worked per Week

Enter the number of days this employee works per week in this required field. You can enter one digit, with one decimal place to the right. For example, if an employee routinely works five and a half days per week, enter 5.5.

Wages per Hour

Enter the amount of wages per hour this employee is paid in this required field. This information automatically displays from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen but can be modified as necessary.

Hours Worked per Day

Enter the number of hours this employee works each day in this required field. You can enter up to two digits, with one decimal place to the right. For example, if an employee routinely works 10 and one half hours per day, enter 10.5.

Earnings per Week Excluding OT

Enter the amount of the employee's weekly gross earnings, excluding overtime. Normally this amount defaults from the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. This field is required.

Value of Perquisites per Week

Field Description

Enter the dollar amount this employee receives each week as a food/meals allowance. You can enter a maximum of six characters, including the decimal point, with a maximum of two decimal places to the right. For example, if you want to record $123,456.00 as a weekly food/meals allowance amount, enter 123456. To record $1234.50, enter 1234.5, and to record $123.45, enter 123.45.


Enter the dollar amount this employee receives each week as a lodging allowance. You can enter a maximum of six characters, including the decimal point, with a maximum of two decimal places to the right.


Enter the dollar amount this employee receives each week as an allowance for tips. You can enter a maximum of six characters, including the decimal point, with a maximum of two decimal places to the right.


Enter the dollar amount this employee receives each week as an allowance for other expenses. You can enter a maximum of six characters, including the decimal point, with a maximum of two decimal places to the right.