Validation Processing

Costpoint uses the 12 steps for each project/account/organization combination that is entered in any transaction.

Step 1

Valid Acct/Org, Active = Y and within Date Range: The account/organization combination charged in the transaction screen must be contain a Y in the Active field on the Link Accounts/Organizations screen. The subperiod in which the transaction is posted must fall in the date range entered in the FY Start, PD Start, FY End, and PD End fields on the Link Accounts/Organizations screen. Data entered on the Link Accounts/Organizations screen populates the ORG_ACCT table and is the source for this validation. If the transaction fails this validation, it cannot be used. If the transaction passes this step, it proceeds to Step 2.

Step 2

Does the Account require a Project?: The account used in the transaction screen must require a project. The Project Required check box on the Manage Accounts screen must be selected for this account. The Manage Accounts screen populates the ACCT table and is the source for this validation. If the transaction fails this validation, the account cannot be used with a project and an error message displays. If the transaction passes this step, it proceeds to Step 3.

Step 3

Project Allows Charging = Y, Active = Y: The Allow Charging and Active check boxes in the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow must be selected. Projects initialized on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow populate the PROJ table, which is the source for this validation. If the transaction fails this validation, it cannot be used. If the transaction passes this step, it proceeds to Step 4.

Step 4

Valid Period of Performance: The subperiod in which the transaction is posted must fall within the date range of the project's period of performance. If it does not, Costpoint displays a soft warning. If the transaction is within the project's period of performance or the soft warning is ignored, the process proceeds to Step 5. The projects period of performance is entered in the Period of Performance group box on the Manage Modifications screen. Period of performance data entered on the Manage Modifications screen updates the PROJ table, which is the source for this validation. If the Show Period of Performance Warning Message check box is not selected on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen, this step is omitted.

Step 5

Account Exists in Project Account Group: The account entered in the transaction screen must be in the project's account group. The Project Account Group is assigned to the project on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow. Project Account Groups are established on the Manage Project Account Groups screen. The ACCT_GRP_SETUP table is updated when a Project Account Group is established and this table is the source for this validation. If the account is not in the Project Account Group, this transaction cannot be used. If the account is included in the Account Group, the transaction proceeds to Step 6.

Step 6

Project Settings Validate Orgs: The Validate Project Charging by Organizations check box on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen is reviewed to determine whether the project uses the entire project/organization/account combination (Detail method) or just the project/account portion (Summary method). The status of the Validate Project Charging by Organizations check box on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen determines the method (detail or summary) that can be used on a company-wide basis. The following selections display in the Charging group box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow depending on the status of the Validate Project Charging by Organization check box:

  • Validate Project Charging by Organizations (selected): This selection enables the detail method of project validation on a company-wide basis. After this method is selected, the summary method is no longer available as a validation method for any project. If you use the detail method, Costpoint uses the entire projects/account/organization combination to validate the transaction against the PROJ_ACCT_ORG table. The Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accounts check box in the Charging group box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow can be selected on a project-by-project basis. If you selected this option, proceed to Step 7.
  • Validate Project Charging by Organization (not selected): This selection enables the summary method of project validation. After this method has been selected, the detail method is no longer available. If you use the summary method, Costpoint validates only the project and the account against the PROJ_ACCT_ORG table. Both the project and account must exist in the table to form a valid combination for transaction entry. If you selected the Limit Accounts to P/O/A check box on the Basic Info tab on the Manage Project User Flow, proceed to Step 7A.

Step 7

Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accounts: Proceed to this step only if you selected the Validate Project Charging by Organizations check box on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen. If you select the Validate Project Charging by Organization check box, the Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accounts check box displays on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow.

If you select the Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accounts check box, the transaction must be further evaluated in Step 8. If you do not select the Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accounts check box, the transaction must be further evaluated in Step 9. The PROJ table is the source for this validation.

Step 7A

Limit Accounts using P/O/A table: This step assumes that you did not select the Validate Project Charging by Organizations check box on the Projects tab of the Configure Project Settings screen. The Limit Accounts to P/O/A check box automatically displays on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow if the Validate Project Charging by Organization check box is not selected.

If you select the Limit Accounts to P/O/A check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, proceed to Step 7B. If you have not selected the Limit Accounts to P/O/A check box, proceed to Step 11.

Step 7B

Valid Proj/Acct in P/O/A Active: Perform this step only if you selected the Limit Accounts to P/O/A check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow. The PROJ_ACCT_ORG table is still referenced but only the project/account portion of the combination must be valid. If the combination is valid, the transaction can be used and no more validation is needed. If the combination is not valid, the transaction cannot be used and an error message displays.

Step 8

Valid Proj/Acct/Org Active: This step is applicable only if you select the Limit Which Orgs can charge Specific Accounts check box on the Basic Info tab on the Manage Project User Flow. If you select the Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accounts check box, the entire project/account/organization combination must be active in the PROJ_ACCT_ORG table. If this combination is valid, the transaction can be used and no more validation is needed. If this combination is not valid, the transaction cannot be used and an error message displays.

Step 9

Limit Org: This step is applicable only if you did not select the Limit Which Orgs can Charge Specific Accounts check box or the Limit Accounts to P/O/A check box. The Limit Orgs check box is reviewed to determine whether only specific organizations can be used on this project. If this check box is selected, the project/organization combination must be valid as determined in Step 10. If this check box is not selected, Costpoint proceeds directly to Step 11.

Step 10

Organization exists in POW: This step is applicable only if you selected the Limit Orgs check box. This means the project/organization combination must exist on the Link Projects/Organizations screen (PROJ_ORG_WILDCARD table). If the combination does not exist, the transaction cannot be used and no other validation takes place. If the combination does exist, the validation process proceeds to Step 11.

Step 11

Limit Accounts: If you selected the Limit Accounts check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow, proceed to Step 12 for further validation. If you have not selected the Limit Accounts check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow and have passed all previous validations, the transactions passes validation and no other validations are performed.

Step 12

Account Exists in PAW: This step is used only if you have selected the Limit Accounts check box on the Basic Info tab of the Manage Project User Flow. The project/account entered in the transaction screen must exist on the Link Projects/Accounts screen (PROJ_ACCT_WILDCARD (PAW) table) to pass validation. If the project/account combination is found in the PAW table, the transaction passes validation and no other validations are necessary. If the project/account is not found in the PAW table, the transaction fails validation and an error message displays.