Affirmative Action Code Mappings Subtask

Use this subtask to map user-defined race and ethnicity codes to affirmative action race codes.


Field Description
Race/Ethnicity Codes

This non-editable field displays the race or ethnicity code currently selected on the Manage Race and Ethnicity Codes screen.

Race/Ethnicity Description

This non-editable field displays the description for the race or ethnicity code, as entered on the main screen.

Table Window

Field Description
Effective Date

Enter, or click to select, the effective date of the affirmative action race code mapping.

Affirmative Action Race Code

Enter, or click to select, the affirmative action race code that maps to this race or ethnicity code. When entering a new mapping record, you must specify an active affirmative action race code. Your entry here displays in uppercase letters.

Affirmative Action Race Description

This non-editable field displays the affirmative action race code's description, as it appears in the Affirmative Action Race Codes table.