Voiding Checks/EFT Advices
When you void checks/EFT advices, the OPEN_AP rows are locked for rows that have checks with the matching cash account/organization and fall in the selected check number range. No report is printed, and only the dialog box process messages display.
Costpoint records updates to the following tables:
Table | Description |
CASH_DISB_HDR | Cash Account/organization and check information |
CASH_DISB_LN | Void amount and discount taken for each voucher on check |
OPEN_AP | Back out paid amount and reset status |
VCHR_HDR_HS | Back out discount taken and reset status |
VEND_YTD_PMTS | Subtract payments made to vendor |
VEND_CHK_VCHR | Paid and discount taken amount to zero |
VEND_CHK | Set void status, amount, and date |
Parent Topic: Printing A/P Checks