EFT Bank Info (Non-US Bank) Subtask

Use this subtask to establish the configuration of the file that will be created for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

You cannot create EFT files for non-US banks directly in Costpoint. Third-party tools are needed to create EFT files for non-US banks. The fields in this subtask are used to store EFT bank information only. Update the information in this subtask as needed.

Bank Info

Field Description
Non-US Debit Bank Status

Select Status in the drop-down list:

  • Active: Select this to indicate that the bank is active. Otherwise, select Not Active.
  • Not Active
Non-US Debit Bank ID

Enter the non-US debit bank ID.


Field Description
Pad Last Block

If your bank requires it, select this check box to add records until the total number of records in the file equals a multiple of 10. For example, if 28 records exist after all pre-notes and live deposits are recorded, Costpoint adds two additional records for a total of 30 records in the file. The additional records contain only nines.

Hard Returns

Select this check box to include hard returns at the end of each line. If your bank does not accept files with hard returns at the end of each record, leave this check box clear.

Suppress Commas

Select this check box to suppress commas in vendor names in the EFT file.

"1A" EOF Marker

Select this check box to specify that the EFT file should include an end-of-file marker. Many banks require files to have an end-of-file marker. If your bank does not require this, however, leave this check box clear to exclude the end-of-file marker from the EFT file.

Additional Header Records

Some banks require non-standard header records. Use these two fields to enter two non-standard header records to meet your bank's specific requirements.

File Trailer Record

If your bank requires a non-standard trailer record, enter it in this optional field.