Manage Union Profiles

Use the Manage Union Profiles screen to establish the Union Profile table as mandated by the union's local.

To access this screen, you must have selected the Enable union functionality checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen. You can set up the labor group/union, labor location/local, standard daily hours, and the union contract start date and end date in this screen, with the option to set up IDs and descriptions for projects, crew, crew chiefs, and foremen. Use the Fringe Information subtask to establish all related union's local fringe information.

Use the Deductions subtask to set up deductions for the union/local/GLC combination. As soon as you enter the deduction code, the default values from the Manage Deductions screen populate the fields. The fields can remain as the defaults, or they can be changed. 

Use this screen as part of your initial setup or any time you want to set up a new union profile.