Approval Settings Subtask

If your firm's accounting operations policies include segregation of duties, to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act or otherwise separate users who create journal entries from those who approve them, use this subtask of the Configure General Ledger Settings screen to set up requirements for journal entry approval. You can specify which journal entry types require approval and a transaction amount limit, if any, above which the approval requirement applies for each type.


Field Description
JE Type

This column displays each journal entry type on a separate row.

Approval Required

Select this check box to require approval for transactions of this journal entry type before they can be posted. If you do not select this check box, you can post transactions of this journal entry type without approval.

Required Above Amount

Enter the transaction amount above which journal entries require approval before you can post them. To require approval of all journal entries of this type regardless of transaction amount, accept the default value of 0.00.

Load JE Types

If the table window is empty, click the Load JE Types button to display the available journal entry types.