Contracts Dashboard

Use the Contracts Dashboard to see the percent complete of contracts and identify any fund limitation issues ahead of time.

The dashboard shows the backlog in contracts, the volume of contracts by primary customer, and the volume of contracts by contract administrator. Use this information to analyze the workload and responsibilities for the team.

The Contracts Dashboard includes five tabs:
  • Admin: Displays the volume of contracts per contract administrator.
  • Backlog (Actual): Displays the backlog of contracts that helps you determine if you need to notify the client that additional funding is needed.
  • Backlog (Target): Similar to Backlog (Actual), this tab displays the backlog of contracts for the target amount.
  • Customers: Displays the volume of contracts by primary customer. This tells you which customer has the majority of the contracts, which helps you determine where your company can invest in the future.
  • Funding % Complete: Displays the percentage of completion of contracts based off a specified percentage amount.