Overview Tab

Managers use this tab to view employee information of their direct/indirect reports.

The data on this tab loads from the Employee (EMPL) table.


Field Description

This field displays the first name of the selected employee.


This field displays the last name of the selected employee.


This field displays the middle name of the selected employee.


This field the preferred first name, or nickname, of the employee.


This field displays if the employee's suffix. For example, Junior or III.


Field Description

This field the category of the employee's status. Status descriptions are as follows:

  • Active
  • Family Medical Leave
  • Inactive
  • Inactive Accruing Leave
Admin Name

This field displays the name of this employee's supervisor.

Locator Code

This field displays the locator code to which this employee is assigned. These codes are used to sort paychecks if you have selected the Print Checks by Locator Code check box on the Configure Paychecks screen

Work Phone

This field displays the employee's work phone number.

Work Email

This field displays the employee's work email address.


Field Description

This field displays the employee's original hire date.


This field displays the employee's termination date.

Next Review

This field displays the date when the employee is due for their next review.

Last Review

This field displays the date when the employee had their previous review.