CSV Input File Format

The Import Cash Receipts screen allows you to import cash receipts from a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

This help topic contains information on how to prepare a CSV input file that you can use import cash receipts Into Costpoint.

CSV File

A CSV file is a delimited text file that uses a commas to separate values. Each line of the file is a data record.

Each cash receipt must be in a separate line in the input file. There are separate formats for the cash receipt header and detail line records. Header records are identified by the H record type and will be imported to the CASH_RECPT_HEADER table, while detail line records are identified by the L record type and will be imported to the CASH_RECPT_TRN table.

When starting a line in the input file, you must first enter the record type as the first field to identify the record as a cash receipt header or detail line. Costpoint then imports that record to the appropriate table.

CSV Input File Format

Cash Receipt Header

Use this input file layout to enter a cash receipt header record (record type 'H'). The following table lists the entries contained in each header record of the input file.

Column Costpoint Field Type Length Required or Optional Format/Notes
Line Type N/A Character 1 Required H for header
Receipt Date RECPT_DT Date 10 Required MM/DD/YYYY
Receipt ID CASH_RECPT_NO Number 10 Required Enter a value to correctly link a header to its detail lines.

If you selected the Use Last System Cash Receipt Number or Supply Beginning Cash Receipt Number option, the Receipt ID you entered in the input file will be replaced with the system-generated number after the import process.

Bank Deposit No. BANK_DEPOSIT_NO Alphanumeric 15 Optional
Fiscal Year FY_CD Alphanumeric 6 Optional If null, value from screen is applied
Period PD_NO Number 5 Optional If null, value from screen is applied
Subperiod SUB_PD_NO Number 5 Optional If null, value from screen is applied
Pay Currency Code PAY_CRNCY_CD Alphanumeric 3 Optional Enter value if Multicurrency is activated
Rate Group ID RATE_GRP_ID Alphanumeric 6 Optional Enter value if Multicurrency is activated
Currency Date PAY_CRNCY_DT Date 10 Optional Enter value if Multicurrency is activated

Cash Receipt Detail Lines

Use this input file layout to enter a cash receipt detail line (record type 'L'). The following table lists the entries contained in each record of the input file.

Column Costpoint Field Type Length Required or Optional Format/Notes
Line Type N/A Character 1 Required L for line
Line Source Code S_LINE_SOURCE_CD Character 1 Required I for invoice

M for miscellaneous

T for transfer

Receipt ID CASH_RECPT_NO Number 10 Required Enter a value to correctly link a detail line to a cash receipt header.

If you selected the Use Last System Cash Receipt Number or Supply Beginning Cash Receipt Number option, the Receipt ID you entered in the input file will be replaced with the system-generated number after the import process.

Line No. LN_NO Number 5 Required
Invoice ID INVC_ID Alphanumeric 15 Optional If null, UNK invoice is created
Customer ID CUST_ID Alphanumeric 12 Optional
Check ID CR_CHECK_ID Alphanumeric 40 Optional
Transaction Amount TRN_AMT Decimal 17, 2 Required
Transaction Description TRN_DESC Alphanumeric 30 Required
Discount Taken Amount DISC_TAKEN_AMT Decimal 17, 2 Required
Cash Account Description CASH_ACCT_KEY Optional If null, default is provided
Bank Abbreviation BANK_ACCT_ABBRV Alphanumeric 6 Optional
Account ID ACCT_ID Alphanumeric 15 Required
Org ID ORG_ID Alphanumeric 20 Required
Project ID PROJ_ID Alphanumeric 30 Optional
Reference 1 REF1_ID Alphanumeric 20 Optional
Reference 2 REF2_ID Alphanumeric 20 Optional
Project Account Abbreviation PROJ_ACCT_ABBRV_CD Optional
Finance Charge FINCHG_RCV_AMT Decimal 17, 2 Optional
Expense Report ID EXP_RPT_ID Optional
Bank Account Amount BANK_AMT Decimal 17, 2 Optional
Line Notes NOTES Alphanumeric 250 Optional