Vendor History by EEOC Classification

The Vendor History by EEOC Classification report provides a list of vendors and the classifications for those vendors who are designated as a Small Business (SB) in Costpoint.

Amounts from the Accounts Payable area are spread across the classification columns to display activity. Federal Contractors can use this information to help complete forms SF 294 and SF 295.

The values used in this report are a summarization of CST_AMT from the VCHR_LN_ACCT_HS table.

Note: If the associated PO from VCHR_LN_HS is a match type of 2, then the CST_AMT database field will NOT populate because the report is only concerned with matching the total PO amount with the total Vouchered amount. The cost per item is not important and is not considered for the report. If you set up the PO as a match type of 3, then the report matches the Qty Ordered on PO to Qty Received to Qty Vouchered (3 ways). In this case, the cost per item is very important and the CST_AMT populates on the voucher info.
Note: This report can serve as a guide or template for your EEOC reporting. However, it may require customization to meet your official government reporting requirements. If you have suggestions for improving this report, please submit your ideas via the Ideas Portal in the Deltek Support Center.