Labor Full Time Equivalent Subtask

Use this screen to view and update Labor Full Time Equivalent records.


The following information displays in the Labor Full Time Equivalent subtask.

Column Headings Description
ID Type This column displays the type of ID, whether Employee, Generic Staff or Key Entry.
ID This column displays the User ID of the resource.
Name The name of the resource displays in this field.
Org ID This column displays the Pool Org ID of the resource.
Status This column displays the status of the employee. You can select from full time, part time, consultant, and so on.
YY-MM-DD This column displays the labor factor rate. A factor of 1.0 means that the individual is available for work a standard 2080 hours per year, adjusted for company holidays, distributed by period or sub-period, while a factor of Ø means that person is not available at all for a given period or sub-period.

Fill Subtask

The following are the fields that display for the Fill subtask.

Field Description
Start Period

Click to display the calendar and select a starting date to copy values from

End Period

Click to display the calendar and select an end date to copy values throughout.

Fill Values

If you click Fill Values, the value 33.000 is copied all the way through in that one record from the starting date to the end date.

Fill Rows

If you click Fill Rows, the value is copied in all rows and columns from start date to end date.

Fill Columns

If you click Fill Columns, all values in the selected column are copied into all the other columns, from start date to end date. This means the whole column is copied and not just the value in that cell.