Contents of the Manage Manufacturing Orders Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen


Field Description
Manufacturing Order

Enter a Manufacturing Order up to 10 characters (the first character of the Manufacturing Order cannot be blank) or leave clear if one of the auto-numbering methods is used. You select the numbering method for manufacturing orders in the MO Numbering Method group box on the Configure Production Control Settings screen. Orders can be manually numbered or system-generated by warehouse or inventory project.


Use this drop-down list to select the type of MO being created. The system-defined types are:

  • Customer Repair
  • Rework
  • Standard (system default)
  • MRO
  • Discrepancy Rework

Select the current status of the MO. Options are Planned, Firm Planned, Released, In Shop, Closed, and Completed. You cannot modify the status of the MO to Planned, Firm Planned, or Released if there have been material issues or units completed on the MO, or if there has been timesheet activity against it. You cannot reopen a completed MO.

When a manufacturing order that is not a customer repair MO type is Released and you selected the Relieve Manufacturing Orders checkbox on the Configure Back Order Processing Settings screen, the system checks for outstanding approved reservations for the part, inventory abbreviation, and warehouse ID; the system performs the check using the Need date for the MO and Need Date Filter (Standard Calendar Days) on the Configure Back Order Processing Settings screen. The system displays a warning message indicating the reservations that may be due or past due for this MO.

Once the Build Part has been relieved to an inventory abbreviation and the Status is changed to Completed on the Enter Manufacturing Order Reliefs screen, the MO is assigned with a Relief ID upon saving the record. The Status for this MO displays as Completed where applicable throughout Costpoint, and the Completed Quantity for this MO displays based on the Relief Quantity and Open Quantity on the Enter Manufacturing Order Reliefs screen. You cannot modify the MO Status unless you delete the entire record. You cannot add additional requirement lines in the Requirements subtask once the MO Status is Closed or Completed.

RMA Enter, or click to select, the RMA ID associated with the new repair manufacturing order (MO).
RMA Line Enter, or click to select, the RMA line associated with the repair MO.
Retain Serial/Lot Information for Closed MO

Select this checkbox before saving the MO if unused pre-assigned serial/lot information must be retained after closing this manufacturing order. This checkbox is active only if the MO status is set to Closed, and before Save.


Subtask Description
Allocations Click this link to open the Allocations subtask, where you can allocate the MO build quantities to multiple inventory abbreviations.
Requirements Click this link to open the Requirements subtask, where you can add or view component/subassembly requirements for the MO.
Routings Click this link to open the Routings subtask, where you can add or view labor/subcontract routings for the MO. This link is disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Routings.
Text Click this link to open the Header Text subtask, where you can attach standard text to the MO header.
Documents Click this link to open the Documents subtask, where you can view the documents linked to the selected MO.
Serial/Lot Click this link to open the Serial/Lot Information subtask, where you can add or view serial/lot and UID information about the items built on the MO.
Part Documents Click this link to open the Part Documents subtask, where you can view the documents linked to the parts of the selected MO.
Costs Click this link to open the Costs subtask, where you can view total and relieved costs for the MO. This link is not available if cost suppression is in effect (for example, the Cost checkbox is selected in the Data Suppression group box on the Manage Users screen).
Subcontractor Reqs/POs Click this link to open the Subcontract Reqs/POs subtask, where you can view all existing subcontractor requisitions and/or purchase orders that have been created for the selected MO.
Select End Item Configuration Click this link to open the Select End Item Configuration subtask, where you can view the configuration of the end part to be bought or manufactured.