User Interface Overview

The user interface is designed to optimize user navigation. Global toolbars and menus provide easy access to commonly used functions, while the major programs areas, organized under five domains, display below. The following images provide overviews of the major features of the user interface.

Global Toolbars and Menu

The user interface provides you with several convenient menus and toolbars, always available and accessible, so you can carry out your tasks quickly and efficiently.

  • Global Menu: These menu options are always available and provide quick access to frequently used features.
  • Global Toolbar: These toolbar options are always available and you can configure both display and content.
  • Navigation Toolbar: This toolbar enables easy navigation and includes a "bread crumb" trail that displays your present location.
  • Application Toolbar: This toolbar displays in every application. Use it to open new records, make queries, and other tasks.
Note: Use the Configure System Settings screen to change the background color of the user interface per company/system. This is useful if you have multiple companies (or systems) and color recognition can help you differentiate one company/system from another. The background color can only be changed per company/system and not per user.

Navigation Menu

The left Navigation menu provides a collapsible menu with an Open Applications, My Menu, and General Menu section.

  • Open Applications: This section lists your open applications.
  • My Menu: This section lists your application shortcuts and includes the Manage My Menu option to configure your My Menu.
  • General Menu: Includes all Costpoint applications you can access, grouped by domain. When you click a domain, the related application groups horizontally expand to the right. When you select an application group, the applications in that group display to the right. At the application level of the menu, you can select the star next to an application name to add it to My Menu.