Input File and Error File Layout

The Input File is a fixed-length, ASCII file.

The Error File, which contains records that were not processed from the Input File, has the same name as the Input File, but with an .ERR extension. After processing is complete, the Input File is renamed with an .OLD extension. The Error File layout is the same as the Input File layout.

You must fill every position in the Input File with the appropriate number of either characters or spaces for a given column before entering data in the next column. You need not use leading zeros; you can use spaces to maintain the proper format. Numeric fields should be right-justified; character fields should be left-justified. 

End every row with a carriage return and a line feed.

Input File Excel Template

Go to the Developer Resources page of the Costpoint Information Center to download the Excel template file specifically designed for this preprocessor. Templates for other Costpoint preprocessors are also available at the same location.

PO Header Record Format (PO_HDR)

Name Costpoint Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (PH)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
PO Change Order Number PO_CHNG_ORD_NO Number 3 18 20 Required (999)
Buyer ID BUYER_ID Character 12 21 32 Required Must be existing in the Manage Buyers screen for the user 's logged in Company ID
Vendor ID VEND_ID Character 12 33 44 Required if entered, must be a existing in the Manage Vendors screen and must not be a PAYROLL Vendor or On-Hold Status  
Vendor Address Code ADDR_DC Character 10 45 54 *Optional
Branch Location ID BRNCH_LOC_ID Character 12 55 66 *Optional
Branch Address Code BRNCH_ADDR_DC Character 10 67 76 *Optional If not in the input file, system will pull info from BUYER.BRNCH_ADDR_DC
Bill To Location ID BILL_TO_LOC_ID Character 12 77 88 *Optional If not in the input file, the system will pull from BUYER.BILL_TO_LOC_ID
Bill To Address Code BILL_TO_ADDR_DC Character 10 89 98 *Optional If not in the input file, the system will pull info from BUYER.BILL_TO_ADDR_DC
Default Save Changes Flag N/A Character 1 99 99 (Not used; leave one space.) (Y or N)
PO Status S_PO_STATUS_TYPE Character 1 100 100 Optional Must be C (Closed), O (Open), P (Pending), or V (Void).
Terms Code TERMS_DC Character 15 101 115 Optional if not provided in the input file, system will pull the information from the VEND.TERMS  _DC
FOB (Free on Board) FOB_FLD Character 15 116 130 Optional
Change Date CHNG_DT Date 10 131 140 Optional (MM/DD/YYYY)
Procurement Type PROCURE_TYPE_CD Character 2 141 142 Optional if entered, must be existing on the Manage Procurement Types screen
Timestamp Date 10 143 152 Not used (MM/DD/YYYY)
PO Type S_PO_TYPE Character 1 153 153 Optional If entered, must be P (Purchase Order), B (Blanket), S (Subcontract Retainage), R (Release) GFM/GFE Order (G) Subcontractor Agreement (A), Subcontractor Agreement Blanket (K), or Subcontractor Agreement Release (L)
CIS Code CIS_CD Character 6 154 159 Optional
Create Change Order N/A Character 1 160 160 Optional Can be Y or N. Default is N. If this value is Y, PO must already exist in Costpoint. Change Order Number must be greater than current Change Order.
Transaction Currency TRN_CRNCY_CD Character 3 161 163 Optional If not provided in the input file, the system will pull information from the VEND.DFLT_TRN_CRNCY_CD; If it is not available, system will pull the information from


Rate Group RATE_GRP_ID Character 6 164 169 Optional If not provided in the input file, the system will pull information from the VEND.DFLT_RT_GRP_ID; If it is not available, system will pull the information from MU_SETTINGS.DFLT_RT_GRP_ID.
Rate Date TRN_CRNCY_DT Date 10 170 179 Optional MM/DD/YYYY
US Citizenship Required US_CITIZEN_FL Varchar (1) 180 180 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
ITAR Authorization Required ITAR_AUTH_FL Varchar (1) 181 181 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
Security Clearance System ID SEC_CLR_CD Varchar (6) 182 187 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
Issuing Agency AGENCY_NAME Varchar (30) 188 217 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
Subcontract ID SUBCNTR_ID Varchar (30) 218 247 Optional
NAICS Code NAICS_CD Character 15 248 262 Optional
Order Date ORD_DT Date 10 263 272 Optional


If the order date is not provided in the header, the system date is loaded by default. If an order date is provided in the header input file, it is used in the PO line order date, if not provided at the line level.

For new lines, if PO line Order Date is not provided in the input file, default PO_HDR.ORD_DT (if provided in header input file).

Buyer Organization ID PO_HDR.BUY_ORG_ID Varchar (20) 273 292 Optional Default value will be retrieved from the Home Org using the Empl Id linked to the Buyer.
Business Size PO_HDR.S_CL_SM_BUS_CD Varchar (1) 293 293 Optional Large, Small, Non-Profit, and Foreign/Other
Freeze Rate PO_HDR. TRN_FREEZE_RT_FL Character 1 294 294 Optional

Default value is ‘N’ if field is blank/NULL for new records (new POs or new Change Orders) if input file is Blank/NULL

**For existing PO records, do not update the field if input file is Blank/NULL. The value from the existing PO is used.

Requisition PO_HDR_DFLT.RQ_ID Varchar2 295 304 Optional

Default value is blank/NULL if input file is Blank/NULL

For existing PO records, do not update the field. The value from the existing PO is used.

Due Date PO_HDR_DFLT.DUE_DT Date 10 305 314 Optional MM/DD/YYYY

Default value is equal to due date for new records (new POs or new Change Orders)

**For existing PO records and PO Lines, do not update the field if input file is Blank/NULL The value from the existing PO is used.

Desired Date PO_HDR_DFLT.DESIRED_DT Date 10 315 324 Optional MM/DD/YYYY

Default value is system date for new record if input file is Blank/NULL

**For existing PO records and PO Lines, do not update the field if input file is Blank/NULL. The value from the existing PO is used.

Period of Performance -Start PO_HDR. PERF_START_DT Date 10 325 334 Optional MM/DD/YYYY

The value from this field will default in PO_HDR. PERF_START_DT if the field is blank/NULL in the “Ph” record type input file or ‘Subcontract ID’ is blank or does not exist

If PO_HDR. PERF_START_DT = NULL and a Subcontract ID is available in the PH record type or existing record, then existing behavior applies where value will be coming from the period of performance Start date linked to the Subcontract ID

**For existing PO records and PO Lines, do not update the field if input file is Blank/NULL. The value from the existing PO is used.

Period of Performance-End PO_HDR. PERF_END_DT Date 10 335 344 Optional MM/DD/YYYY

Default value is blank/NULL for new records (new POs or new Change Orders) if input file is Blank/NULL

The value from this field will default in PO_LN. PERF_END_DT if the field is blank/NULL in the “PL” record type input file or ‘Subcontract ID’ is blank or does not exist.

If PO_HDR. PERF_END_DT = NULL and a Subcontract ID is available in the PH record type or existing record, then existing behavior applies where value will be coming from the period of performance end date linked to the Subcontract ID

**For existing PO records and PO Lines, do not update the field if input file is Blank/NULL. The value from the existing PO is used.

NAICS Eff. Date NAICS_EFF_DT Number 4 Date 345 354 Optional MM/DD/YYYY

If there are no NAICS Code and NAICS Effective date available in the input file, load the NAICS Code and Effective date from the line's commodity code (COMM.NAICS_EFF_DT IF it is Active - OPP_NAICS_CODES.SHOW_LOOKUP_FL = Y); For New records and the input file has NAICS Code but the NAICS Effective Date is NULL, then we will load the latest and active effective date. For existing records that have the same NAICS Code, if there is a value on ITEM.NAICS_EFF_DT then do not over-write it if the field is blank in the input file. Else, if the NAICS Effective date is NULL on the ITEM.NAICS_EFF_DT for the same NAICS Code then same logic should apply just like for new records/new NAICS Code. If a NAICS effective date exists then NAICS code is required.

* The Vendor Address, Branch Location, Bill to Location, and Bill To Address are all required in the Address subtask of the Manage Purchase Orders screen. If you do not provide the vendor's Address Code in the input file, Costpoint loads the default Order Address on the Manage Vendors screen. If you do not provide the Branch Location, Branch Address, Bill To Location, and Bill To Address in the input file, Costpoint populates each field by default from the Buyer table, and verifies that valid values can be found for the given vendor and/or buyer.

PO Text Record (PO_TEXT)

Name Costpoint Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (HT)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
Sequence Number SEQ_NO Number 4 18 21 Required (9999)
Text Code TEXT_CD Character 10 22 31 Required This must exist in the PO Standard Text table and the Standard Text-Where Used table with a code of P (Purchase Order).  P or P1-P8 (depending on PO Type of the purchase order).
Text Revision TXT_CD_RVSN_NO Number 5 32 36 Optional If not provided in the input file, system will default the latest active revision for the company.

This must exist in the PO Standard Text table and the Standard Text-Where Used table with a code of P (Purchase Order).  P or P1-P8 (depending on PO Type of the purchase order).

PO Header Notes Record (PO_HDR_NOTES)

Name Costpoint Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (PN)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
PO Header Notes PO_HDR_TX Character 1,000 18 1017 Required


Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (PL)
PO ID PO_ID (all tables) Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO (all tables) Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
PO Line Number PO_LN_NO/PO_LN_KEY (all tables) Number 4 18 21 Required (9999)
PO Line Description PO_LN.PO_LN_DESC Character 60 22 81 Optional
Quantity Ordered PO_LN.ORD_QTY Number 14 82 95 Required. If PO Type is S, this field will not be used. (999999999.9999)
Order Date PO_LN.ORD_DT Date 10 96 105 Optional (MM/DD/YYYY)
Due Date PO_LN.DUE_DT Date 10 106 115 Optional (MM/DD/YYYY)

Default value is from the PO_HDR_DFLT.DUE_DT if blank on the PL input file and available in the PH record type; Else, PO_HDR_DFLT.DUE_DT = NULL, then this field is still a required field (existing behavior applies.)

** If there is a value in the ‘PL’ record type, then do not override with the value from the PH record type.

Desired Date PO_LN.DESIRED_DT Date 10 116 125 Optional (MM/DD/YYYY)

Default value will now be coming from PO_HDR_DFLT.DUE_DT if blank on the PL input file and available in the PH record type; Else, PO_HDR_DFLT.DESIRED_DT = NULL, then this field is still a required field (existing behavior applies.)

** If there is a value in the ‘PL’ record type, then do not override with the value from the PH record type.

Discount Rate PO_LN.DISC_PCT_RT Number 11 126 136 Optional. If PO Type is S, this field will not be used. (99.99999999)

The value can range from 0 to 1.

Receipt Tol Percent PO_LN.RECPT_TOL_PCT_RT Number 11 137 147 Optional (99.99999999)
Gross Unit Cost PO_LN.TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT Number 13 148 160 Required. If PO Type is S, this field is not used. (99999999.9999)
Net Unit Cost Net Unit Cost Number 13 161 173 Not used; leave 13 spaces. (99999999.9999)
Extended Cost PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_EXT_AMT Number 16 174 189 Optional; This field will be required if PO Type is S. (-999999999999.99)
Total Line Cost Total Line Cost Number 16 190 205 Not used; leave 16 spaces. (-999999999999.99)
Sales Tax PO_LN.TRN_SALES_TAX_AMT Number 16 206 221 Optional (-999999999999.99)
Ship ID PO_LN.SHIP_ID Character 20 222 241 Required Required if item entered is a Part, Good or if Taxable = "Y".

Value must be an valid and active Ship id in the SHIP_ID table for the user's company ID.

Status PO_LN.S_LN_STATUS_TYPE Character 1 242 242 Required Must be C (Closed); O (Open); P (Pending); or V (Void).
Auto Voucher Flag PO_LN.AUTO_VCHR_FL Character 1 243 243 Optional Valid values are Y (Yes) or N (No); If not provided, system will pull information from the VEND.AUTO_VCHR_FL
Commitment Type PO_LN.S_PO_COMMIT_TYPE Character 1 244 244 Optional Valid values are D (Amount), Q (Quantity), or E (Excluded)
Taxable Flag PO_LN. TAXABLE_FL Character 1 245 245 Optional Valid values are Y (Yes) or N (No)
Deliver To PO_LN.DEL_TO_FLD Character 25 246 270 Optional
Misc. Line Charge Type PO_LN.MISC_LN_CHG_TYPE Character 6 271 276 Optional
Requisition ID PO_LN.RQ_ID VarChar 10 277 286 Optional

Default value is from the PO_HDR_DFLT. RQ_ID if blank on the PL input file and available in the PH record type; If there is a value in the ‘PL’ record type, then Costpoint will not override the value from the PH record type

**For existing PO Line records, do not update the field if input file is Blank/NULL. The value from the existing PO line is used.

Manufacturer Part ID PO_LN.MANUF_PART_ID Character 30 287 316 Optional
Manufacturer Revision ID PO_LN.MANUF_PART_RVSN_ID Character 3 317 319 Optional
Vendor Part ID PO_LN.VEND_PART_ID Character 30 320 349 Optional
Vendor Revision ID PO_LN.VEND_PART_RVSN_ID Character 3 350 352 Optional
Cert Of Conf Flag PO_LN.CERT_ OF_CNFRM_FL Character 1 353 353 Optional
QC Required Flag PO_LN.QC_REQD_FL Character 1 354 354 Optional
Source Insp Flag PO_LN.SRCE_INSP_FL Character 1 355 355 Optional
Overshipment Flag PO_LN.OVRSHP_ALLOW_FL Character 1 356 356 Optional
Match Type PO_LN.S_MATCH_CD Character 1 357 357 Optional
Project PO_LN_ACCT.PROJ_ID Character 30 358 387 Optional
Org PO_LN_ACCT ORG ID Character 20 388 407 Optional
Account PO_LN_ACCT.ACCT_ID Character 15 408 422 Optional
Project Abbrev PO_LN_ACCT.PROJ_ABBRV_CD Character 6 423 428 Optional
Org Abbrev PO_LN_ACCT.ORG_ABBRV_CD Character 6 429 434 Optional
Proj/Acct Abbrev PO_LN_ACCT.PROJ_ACCT_ABBRV_CD Character 6 435 440 Optional
Line Charge Type 1 PO_LN_CHG.LN_CHG_TYPE Character 6 441 446 Optional
Line Charge Cost 1 PO_LN_CHG.TRN_CHG_CST_AMT Number 16 447 462 Optional (-999999999999.99)
Line Charge Type 2 PO_LN_CHG.LN_CHG_TYPE Character 6 463 468 Optional
Line Charge Cost 2 PO_LN_CHG.TRN_CHG_CST_AMT Number 16 469 484 Optional (-999999999999.99)
Unit of Measure Code PO_LN.PO_LN_UM_CD Character 3 485 487 Optional
Date/Time Stamp Date/Time Stamp Date 10 488 497 Not used; leave 10 spaces. (MM/DD/YYYY)
Reference 1 PO_LN_ACCT.REF_STRUC_1_ID Character 20 498 517 Optional
Reference 2 PO_LN_ACCT.REF_STRUC_2_ID Character 20 518 537 Optional
Order Reference ID PO_LN.ORDER_REF_ID Character 10 538 547 Optional
Item PO_LN.ITEM_ID Character 50 548 597 Optional For fixed length file format, limit to 50 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 50.
Item Revision PO_LN.ITEM_RVSN_ID and USER_RVSN_FLD Character 10 598 607 Optional For fixed length file format, limit to 10 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 10.
Order Reference Type PO_LN.S_ORD_REF_TYPE_CD Character 1 608 608 Optional
Order Reference Line No PO_LN.ORDER_REF_LN_NO Number 4 609 612 Optional
Industry Class Code PO_LN.IND_CLASS_CD Character 8 613 620 Optional
CIS Withholding Flag PO_LN.CIS_WH_FL Character 1 621 621 Optional
Inventory Abbreviation Code PO_LN.INVT_ABBRV_CD Character 20 622 641 Optional For fixed length file format, limit to 20 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 20.
Requisition Line Key RQ_LN_KEY Integer 10 642 651 Optional
Warehouse ID PO_LN.WHSE_ID Character 8 652 659 Optional
Completed Work Retention Pct PO_LN.COMPLT_RET_PCT Number 10,8 660 669 Optional
Stored Materials Retention Pct PO_LN.STORED_RET_PCT Number 10,8 670 679 Optional
Mil Spec ID PO_LN.MIL_SPEC_ID Character 20 680 699 Optional
PO Match Type PO_LN. S_MATCH_CD Character 6 700 705 Optional
US Citizenship Required US_CITIZEN_FL Varchar (1) 706 706 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
ITAR Authorization Required ITAR_AUTH_FL Varchar (1) 707 707 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
Security Clearance System ID SEC_CLR_CD Varchar (6) 708 713 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
Issuing Agency AGENCY_NAME Varchar (30) 714 743 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
NAICS Code NAICS_CD Character 15 744 758 Optional
NSN NSN_ID Character 20 759 778 Optional
Manufacturer MANUF_ID Character 10 779 788 Optional
Period of Performance-Start PO_LN.PERF_START_DT Date 10 789 798 Optional MM/DD/YYYY

For New records (new POs or new Change Orders) , default value will come from PO_HDR. PERF_START_DT if blank on the PL input file and available in the PH record type;

If there is a value in the ‘PL’ record type, then Costpoint will not override with the value from the PH record type or the Subcontract ID.

If PO_HDR. PERF_START_DT = NULL and a Subcontract ID is available in the PH record type or existing record, then value will come from the period of performance start date linked to the Subcontract ID.

Period of Performance-End PO_LN.PERF_END_DT Date 10 799 808 Optional MM/DD/YYYY

For New records (new POs or new Change Orders) , default value will come from PO_HDR. PERF_END_DT if blank on the PL input file and available in the PH record type;

If there is a value in the ‘PL’ record type, then Costpoint will not override the value from the PH record type or the Subcontract ID.

If PO_HDR. PERF_END_DT = NULL and a Subcontract ID is available in the PH record type or existing record, then value will come from the period of performance end date linked to the Subcontract ID.

CLIN PO_LN.CLIN_ID Varchar2 (10) 809 818 Optional

Field saves in PO_LN.CLIN_ID

Default value is blank/NULL

Commodity Code PO_LN.COMM_CD Varchar2 (8) 819 826 Optional

Field saves in PO_LN.COMM_CD

If commodity code is not available in the input file, default value is coming from ITEM.COMM_CD where PO_LN.ITEM_ID = ITEM.ITEM_ID and PO_LN.ITEM_RVSN_ID = ITEM.ITEM_RVSN_ID

Ship Via PO_LN.SHIP_VIA_FLD Varchar2 (15) 827 841 Optional

Field saves in PO_LN.SHIP_VIA_FLD

If SHIP VIA is not available in the input file, default value is coming from the VEND.SHIP_VIA_FLD where VEND.VEND_ID = PO_HDR.VEND_ID.

NAICS Eff. Date PO_LN.NAICS_EFF_DT Number 4 Date 842 851 Optional MM/DD/YYYY

If there are no NAICS Code and NAICS Effective date available in the input file, load the NAICS Code and Effective date from the line's commodity code (COMM.NAICS_EFF_DT IF it is Active - OPP_NAICS_CODES.SHOW_LOOKUP_FL = Y); For New records and the input file has NAICS Code but the NAICS Effective Date is NULL, then we will load the latest and active effective date. For existing records that have the same NAICS Code, if there is a value on ITEM.NAICS_EFF_DT then do not over-write it if the field is blank in the input file. Else, if the NAICS Effective date is NULL on the ITEM.NAICS_EFF_DT for the same NAICS Code then same logic should apply just like for new records/new NAICS Code. If a NAICS effective date exists then NAICS code is required.

PO Line Notes Record (PO_LN_NOTES)

Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (LN)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
PO Line Number PO_LN_NO/PO_LN_KEY Number 4 18 21 Required (999)
PO Line Text PO_LN_TX Character 1,000 22 1,021 Required

PO Line Text Record (PO_LN_TEXT)

Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (LT)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
PO Line Number PO_LN_NO/PO_LN_KEY Number 4 18 21 Required (9999)
Text Code TEXT_CD Character 10 22 31 Required
Text Source Code S_TEXT_SRCE_CD Character 1 32 32 Required
Sequence Number SEQ_NO Number 4 33 36 Required (9999)
Text Revision TXT_CD_RVSN_NO Number 5 37 41 Optional If not provided in the input file, system will default the latest active revision for the company.

This must exist in the PO Standard Text table and the Standard Text-Where Used table with a code of P (Purchase Order).  P or P1-P8 (depending on PO Type of the purchase order).

PO Header SCI/SAP Security Codes

Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (HC)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
Code Varchar 6 18 23 Required

PO Header SOW

Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (HS)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
SOW ID SOW ID Varchar 50 18 67 Required
SOW Rev SOW_RVSN_ID Varchar 10 68 77 Optional If value is not provided, assume it to be ‘space’.

PO Line SCI/SAP Security Codes

Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (LC)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
Code SCISAP_CLR_CD Varchar 6 18 23 Required


Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (LS)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
SOW ID SOW_ID Varchar 50 18 67 Required
SOW Rev SOW_RVSN_ID Varchar 10 68 77 Optional If value is not provided, assume it to be ‘space’.

PO Line Resource

Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (LR)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
PO Line Number PO_LN_NO/PO_LN_KEY Number 4 18 21 Required (9999)
Resource Line Number LINE_NO Varchar 10 22 31 Required
Resource Description RESOURCE_DESC Varchar 60 32 91 Conditionally Required Required only if a valid Service ID/Rev is not provided.
Service ID ITEM_ID Varchar 50 92 141 Optional
Service Revision ITEM_RVSN_ID Varchar 10 142 151 Optional
Number of Resources NO_OF_RESOURCES Number 10 152 161 Optional
Total Hours HRS Number 15 162 176 Optional (9999999999.9999)
Hourly Rate TRN_LAB_RT_AMT Number 15 177 191 Optional (9999999999.9999)
PLC BILL_LAB_CAT_CD Varchar 6 192 197 Optional
GLC GENL_LAB_CAT_CD Varchar 6 198 203 Optional
City CITY_NAME Varchar 25 204 228 Optional
State/Province MAIL_STATE_DC Varchar 15 229 243 Optional
Postal Code POSTAL_CD Varchar 10 244 253 Optional
Country COUNTRY_CD Varchar 8 254 261 Optional

PO Line Resource Vendor Employees

Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type N/A Character 2 1 2 Required (LR)
PO ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
PO Line Number Number 4 18 21 Required (999)
Resource Line Number LINE_NO Varchar 10 22 31 Required Required
Vendor Employee ID VEND_EMPL_ID Varchar 12 32 43 Required

PO Line Delivery Schedule

Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type Character 2 1 2 Required (DS)
PO ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
PO Line Number Number 4 18 21 Required (9999)
Order Quantity Number 14 22 35 Required (999999999.9999)
Due Date Date 10 36 45 Required (MM/DD/YYYY)
Desired Date Date 10 46 55 Required (MM/DD/YYYY)
Original Due Date Date 10 56 65 Required (MM/DD/YYYY)

PO Line Account

Use this input file to upload multiple PO line account records per line.

Note: This input file should only be used when using multiple line accounts; Else, if there is only one (1) PAO linked to the PO line, users should use existing PL input file.
Name Costpoint Table/Column Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/ Optional Format
Record Type Character 2 1 2 Required (LA)
Purchase Order ID PO_ID Character 10 3 12 Required
PO Release Number PO_RLSE_NO Number 5 13 17 Required (99999)
PO Line Number PO_LN_NO/PO_LN_KEY Number 4 18 21 Required (9999)
Line Account PO_LN_ACCT.SUB_KEY Number 4 22 25 Required
Project ID PO_LN_ACCT.PROJ_ID Varchar2 (30) 26 55 Optional
Org ID PO_LN_ACCT.ORG_ID Varchar2 (20) 56 75 Required if PO Type is not G
Account ID PO_LN_ACCT.ACCT_ID Varchar2 (15) 76 90 Required if PO Type is not G
Allocation PO_LN_ACCT.CST_AMT_PCT_RT Decimal (5,4) 91 96 1=100%

** If field is blank in the input file, calculate the Allocation (PO_LN_ACCT.CST_AMT_PCT_RT) = Allocation Amount (PO_LN_ACCT.TRN_CST_AMT) / Total Line Amount (PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT)

** Enter as a percentage. For example, 100% should be entered as 100 or 100.00 (stored as 1.0000). 1% should be entered as 1.0000 (stored as 0.0100)

Amount PO_LN_ACCT.TRN_CST_AMT Number (10,8) 97 111 ** If field is blank in the input file, calculate the Allocation Amount (PO_LN_ACCT.TRN_CST_AMT) = Allocation (PO_LN_ACCT.CST_AMT_PCT_RT) * Total Line Amount (PO_LN.TRN_PO_LN_TOT_AMT)
Project Abbreviation PO_LN_ACCT. PROJ_ABBRV_CD Varchar2 (6) 112 117 For new PO lines, if blank in the input file, set by the application based on project entered in the input file project is looked up in the Project Master table to get the Project Abbreviation.
Project Account Abbreviation PO_LN_ACCT. PROJ_ACCT_ABBRV_CD_ABBRV_CD Varchar2 (6) 118 123

For new PO lines, if blank in the input file, set by the application based on the account ID entered in the input file.

Project Account Abbrev is looked up in the Project Account Group Setup table (ACCT_GRP_SETUP. PROJ_ACCT_ABBRV_CD).

Organization Abbreviation PO_LN_ACCT. ORG_ABBRV_CD Varchar2 (6) 124 129

For new PO lines, if blank in the input file, set by the application based on the organization ID entered in the input file.

Org Abbrev is looked up in the ORG table (ORG.ORG_ABBRV_CD).

Reference Number 1 PO_LN_ACCT. REF_STRUC_1_ID Varchar2 (20) 130 149 Optional
Reference Number 2 PO_LN_ACCT. REF_STRUC_2_ID Varchar2 (20) 150 169 Optional