Upload the CPFALOC.SAV File

To upload the CPFALOC.CSV file:

  1. On the Intermec FileCopy Utility screen. click the FileCopy tab.
  2. Select or enter the PC file name (must be CPFALOC.CSV) and path on your computer TO which the file will be transferred.
  3. Select or enter the Terminal (scanner) file name (must be CPFALOC.CSV) and path FROM which the file will be transferred. (For most users, this will be the C: drive on the scanner per Intermec instructions. The file names and extensions in both the source and destination fields will be identical.)


    PC filename and path: F:\Costpoint\31A\CPFALOC.CSV

    Terminal filename and path: C:\CPFALOC.CSV

  4. Select the Upload button to transfer the CSV file from the scanner to your computer.