Step 3 Tab

Use this tab to view and enter information for Step 3 (Claim Dependents and Other Credits) of the W-4.

Claim Dependents and Other Credits

Complete Steps 3 - 4(b) for only ONE of these jobs. Leave those steps blank for the other jobs. (Your withholding will be most accurate if you complete Steps 3-4(b) on the Form W-4 for the highest paying job.

Field Description
Multiply the number of qualifying children under age 17 - by $2,000 Enter the number of qualifying children under 17 in this field. The system will use this number to calculate the corresponding credit amount.
Multiply the number of other dependents - by $500 The employee can enter the number of other dependents in this field. The system will use this number to calculate the corresponding credit amount.
Credit amount (other dependents) Enter the credit amount for other dependents in this field. It is automatically calculated if they enter the number of other dependents.
Other credits Enter any extra credit amounts, such as such education tax credits and the foreign tax credit, in this field and it will then be added to the total along with the credit amount for qualifying children under 17 and the other dependent credit amount.
I have reviewed the information for Step 3 The checkbox allows the employee to indicate they have reviewed the information for Step 3. This checkbox must be checked in order for the employee to electronically sign the W-4.