Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor

Use this screen to assign labor rates to the PLCs established in the project workforce screens.

You can assign a labor rate for employee/PLC, vendor/PLC, or vendor employee/PLC combinations set up on the Assign PLC to Employee Workforce subtask of the Manage Employee Workforce screen, the Assign PLC to Vendor Workforce subtask of the Manage Vendor Workforce screen, or the Assign PLC to Vendor Employee Workforce subtask of the Manage Vendor Employee Workforce screen.

Labor rates are maintained by start/end dates, so that modifications to the billing rate for a given Project PLC can be effected without changing the category code. Costpoint compares the Starting Date and the Ending Date in this screen to the Effective Bill Dates on the Manage Project Labor History screen and Manage Open Billing Detail screen to determine which rate should be used during the Load Labor Rates process. The effective bill date columns used for this comparison are in the table window of the Manage Project Labor History screen and on the Labor subtask of the Manage Open Billing Detail screen.

Use this screen whenever labor rates are required for employee/PLC, vendor/PLC, or vendor employee/PLC combinations for a project. Once the labor rates are established, you need to maintain this screen only when modifications are required.

Complete this screen before computing revenue or calculating bills.