Quotes Subtask

Use this subtask to view quote information corresponding to the header selection criteria.

This subtask displays all records linked to the requisition/requisition line regardless of status. Request for quote (RFQ) and qote IDs are displayed as hyperlinks. The RFQs are retrieved from the RFQ_HDR, RFQ_LN, RFQ_LN_REQ tables and the quotes from the RQ_LN_QUOTES, QT_HDR and QT_LN tables.


Field Description
Requisition ID, Requisition Total These fields display values from the Header details.
Req Line This field displays the requisition line for which you are referencing a quote.
Add Quote This check box indicates that this quote is saved for future reference. If this is a new vendor quote, the information can be accessed on the Manage Vendor Quotes by Item and Manage Vendor Quotes by Vendor screens.
Quote This field displays the quote ID to reference against the requisition line.
Quote Line This field displays the quote ID line number to reference against the requisition line.
Reference Quote This check box indicates that the quote ID used is for reference only and may not be available in Manage Vendor Quotes screen.
Delivery Schedule Exists This check box indicates that a delivery schedule exists for the requisition line.
Submitted by Supplier This check box indicates that the requisition has been submitted and created by the supplier from the Supplier Portal.
Vendor This field displays the ID of the vendor supplying the quote to reference against the requisition line. The vendor must not be a payroll vendor and its Approval Code must not be Not Approved. If the vendor has an Approval Code of Pending, Costpoint displays a warning.
Vendor Name This field displays the descriptive name of the selected Vendor.
Vendor Approved This field displays the approval status of the vendor. The available values are as follows:
  • Y: This indicates that the vendor is approved to supply the requisitioned item.
  • P: This indicates that the vendor is the preferred vendor for the requisitioned item.
  • N: This indicates that the vendor is not approved for the requisitioned item.
Minimum Quantity This field displays the minimum quantity of the quoted item that the vendor will sell in one order.
Quote U/M This field displays the unit of measure to use for this quote.
Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency code for this vendor quote. If you entered an existing quote ID, the value for the transaction currency and other exchange rate related fields loads from that quote header (that is, the screen from which the quote originates), and the fields in the Exchange Rates subtask are disabled.

If you created a new quote and enter a vendor that contains default currency information (that is, the Transaction field is populated for the vendor record in the Default Currencies group box on the Multicurrency subtask of the Manage Vendors screen), the vendor's default transaction currency displays. Otherwise, this field defaults with the Default Transaction currency from the Configure Multicurrency Settings screen, or the from the Exchange Rates subtask. If you modify the transaction currency, or the exchange rate is different from that of the original requisition line, a warning message displays but you will still be able to save the record.

Gross Unit Cost of Amount This field displays the gross item unit cost (in transaction currency) that applies to the requisition line for this quote.
Volume Discount This field displays the volume discount that applies to this quote.
Net Unit Cost Amt This field displays the net unit cost (in transaction currency) that applies to this quote.
Extra Charge Amt This field displays any additional costs (in transaction currency) that apply to this quote.
Charge Type This field displays the type of the line charge that applies to the additional costs for this quote.
Quote Date This field displays the date this quote was received from the vendor.
Expiration Date This field displays the date this quote expires.
Lead Time Days This field displays the number of days it takes a vendor to fill an order after vendor notification.
Manufacturer Part This field displays the manufacturer part number of the item being quoted. The manufacturer part number default value displays when the part/vendor combination exists on the Manage Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
Mfg Rev This field displays the manufacturer revision number of the item being quoted. The revision of the manufacturer part default value displays when the part/vendor combination exists on the Manage Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
Vendor Part This field displays the vendor part number of the item being quoted. The vendor part default value displays when the part/vendor combination exists on the Manage Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
Vend Rev This field displays the vendor revision number of the item being quoted. The revision of the vendor part default value displays when the part/vendor combination exists on the Manage Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
Func Curr Gross Unit Cost Amt This field displays the item's gross unit cost (in functional currency) that applies to this quote. This field is calculated as Gross Unit Cost x the Trans to Func value in the Exchange Rates subtask. For existing quotes, the values in the Exchange Rates subtask defaults from the Manage Vendor Quotes by Item and/or Manage Vendor Quotes by Vendor screens.
Func Curr Net Unit Cost Amt This field displays the item's net unit cost (in functional currency) that applies to this quote. This field is calculated as Net Unit Cost x the Trans to Func value in the Exchange Rates subtask
Func Curr Extra Charges Amt This field displays the amount of extra charges associated with the item (in functional currency) for this quote. This field is calculated as Extra Charges x the Trans to Func value in the Exchange Rates subtask.
RFQ This field displays the request for quote number.
RFQ Line This field displays the request for quote line number.
Proposal This field displays the proposal ID for the quote.
Proposal Rev This field displays the proposal revision number.
Requisition This field displays the requisition ID to which the requisition line belongs.
Combined Req Lines Exist This field indicates that the RFQ ID/RFQ line have consolidated parts from other requisition/requisition lines. Added RFQ lines from this screen cannot be consolidated with other requisition/requisition lines. Consolidation must be done in the other RFQ screens.


Subtask Definition
Combined Req Line Details Click this link to open the Combined Req Line Details subtask.
Delivery Schedule Click this link to open the Delivery Schedule subtask.