Contents of the Manage Application/Content Links Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Application/Content Links screen.


Field Description

Enter, or use to select, the ID of the Costpoint application to which you want the content linked. The non-editable field to the right displays the application name.

Result Set

Enter, or use to select, the ID of the Costpoint application result set to which you want the content linked. The available result sets depend on your selection in the Application field. The non-editable field to the right displays the application result set name.

Content Type

Enter, or use to select, the ID of the content type to which you want the content linked. In some cases, no content types may be available. The non-editable field to the right displays the content type name.

Allow New Content Links in this Application/Result Set

Select this checkbox to allow users to add links to content objects of this type in this application/result set.

Allow Content Link Deletions in this Application/Result Set

Select this checkbox to allow users to delete links to existing content objects of this type in this application/result set.

Allow Updates to Content Property Fields in this Application/Result Set

Select this checkbox to allow users to update content properties for existing content of this type in this application/result set.

Allow Costpoint Record to be Linked to More than One Content File with this Content Type

Select this checkbox to allow a Costpoint record to be linked to more than one content file with this content type.

Set Camera as the Default Source on mobile devices Select this checkbox to make the camera on your mobile device the default method to attach documents. This setting is active by default. Clear the checkbox to disable the setting.
Show Scan button Select this checkbox to enable the Attach & Scan option in the Choose File window and the Scan function in the Linked Content Files subtask when a user attaches documents to records in this application/result set.

Attach & Scan enables the user to link the document to a record and populate the record with information scanned from the document. They must click Save to save and link the file.


The Attach & Scan button only displays in applications that are integrated with an ICR tool. Currently, only Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers in Costpoint Accounting supports the Attach & Scan feature.

Default Content Type Select this checkbox to set the current Content Type as the default for the selected Result Set. You can select only one default content type per result set.

Content Property Mismatch

Use this group box to determine what kind of messages display when a user links content where the CMS properties and Costpoint data do not match.

Field Description
Do Not Validate

If you select this option, Costpoint displays no message if the CMS properties and Costpoint data do not match.

Give Warning

If you select this option, Costpoint displays a warning if the CMS properties and Costpoint data do not match.

Give Error

If you select this option, Costpoint displays an error if the CMS properties and Costpoint data do not match. You cannot save non-matching links.

Update Content File

If you select this option, Costpoint will always update CMS properties with values from Costpoint data (without asking).

Default Source

Use the options in this section to specify the default location of content files for the application/result set.

Field Description
Local File Select this option when most files for the application/result set need to be uploaded to Costpoint. When a user attaches a document to a record, Local File is pre-selected in the Choose Source field in the Choose File window.
Alternate File Location Select this option when most files are already uploaded to Costpoint. When a user attaches a document to a record, Alternate File Location is pre-selected in the Choose Source field in the Choose File window.
Autoload Content Type Data Fields

Click this option to generate new rows in the Content Data Fields table for each record in the CMI_CONT_TYPE_FLD table for the specified content type. The rows are considered new for validation purposes. You must enter a Content Type in the Identification block before you can use this button. This feature is disabled if content data field rows already exist.

Autoload Costpoint Screen Objects

Click this button to generate new rows in the Content Data Fields table for each Costpoint screen object field for the specified result set (it pulls these fields from the result set metadata, S_RS_DESC). You must fill in the Content Data Field to save a given record. This feature is disabled if content data field rows already exist.

Content Data Fields

Use this table window to define content type data fields that are linked to the specified application/result set fields.  

At least one row in this table must have the Use to Link Content to Costpoint Records check box selected. Fields with this checkbox selected are used to uniquely identify the link. The application stores combined values for the fields as a key identifier for the linked content file.

Field Description
Content Data Field

Enter, or use to select, the content data field.

Content Type Field Description

This non-editable field displays the content data field description.

Content Data Field Editable

Select this checkbox to allow users to manually edit this field’s values in the specified Costpoint application/result set for a linked content object.

Use to Link Content to Costpoint Records

Select this checkbox to use the value in this content data field to link the content to the Costpoint record. Fields with this checkbox selected are used as a link key. Usually, primary keys for the result set are the best candidates for the link keys, but sometimes a business object key is different. When selecting key fields, you must make sure that combination of key values is unique in the result set.

The same content type (such as a voucher) can be linked to different applications (such as Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers). For links created in one application/result set to be visible in the other, the key fields definition must be the same (that is, exactly the same fields must have this check box selected).

Costpoint Screen Object

Enter, or use to select, the Costpoint screen object to which you want to link.

CMS Content Property

This non-editable field displays the CMS content property.

Content Data Field Type

This non-editable field displays the data field type. Valid entries are:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Date
Content Data Field Length

This non-editable field displays the length of the content data field.

Content Data Field Viewable

This non-editable field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether you can view the contents of this field when displaying information for this content item.


This non-editable field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether this field can be queried in the CMS.

Costpoint Screen Label

This non-editable field displays the Costpoint screen label for this data field.

Costpoint Column

This non-editable field displays the Costpoint database column ID for this data field.

Costpoint Column Description

This non-editable field displays the column description.

Costpoint Table

This non-editable field displays the Costpoint database table for this data field.

Costpoint Table Description

This non-editable field displays the Costpoint table description.

Costpoint Primary Key

This non-editable field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether this data field is a primary key in the Costpoint database.

Costpoint Data Type

This non-editable field displays this field's data type. Valid entries are:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Date
Costpoint Length

This non-editable field displays the length of this data field.

Screen Enter, or use to select, the Costpoint screen (result set). This field autofills with the related screen when you select the object in the Costpoint Screen Object field.
Screen Name This field displays the name of the Costpoint screen.