Error Messages

When the preprocessor encounters errors while importing sales orders, a message may be displayed on the screen or the errors may display on the Error Report.

Screen Error Messages and Explanations

The following errors may display on the screen during processing.

Message Description
Cannot open File The input file entered has an incorrect format or file extension. Check file and try again.
Error copying input file A fatal error occurred when the system tried to copy the input file with an .OLD extension. Check user rights and disk space.
Error creating output file A fatal error occurred when the system tried to create the output file. Check user rights and disk space.
Error deleting input file. A fatal error occurred when the system tried to delete the input file. Check user rights and disk space.
File does not exist. Check your path and try again. The input file entered could not be found. The input file must be in your working directory. Check your working directory in Windows to make sure that the input file is accessible.

Report Error Messages and Explanations

The following errors may display on the Error Report. The error message displays in bold type and an explanation of that error message follows.

Field Message Description
Acceptance Point Acceptance Point must be 'S', 'D', or 'O'. Input file value not S (Source), D (Destination), or O (Other).
Additional Miscellaneous Line Charge Additional Misc Line Charge is not in proper 14 digit ###########0.00 format. The Additional Miscellaneous Line Charge in the input file is not in the proper 14-digit ###########0.00 format. The value for this field will default to zero.
Negative value not permitted for Additional Misc Line Charge. A negative value is not permitted for Additional Misc Line Charge in the input file.
Alternate Release Procedure Value not Y orN.
Amortization Code This Amortization code does not exist. Code not in the Amortization Schedule (AMORT_SCH) table for the user's company.
Amortization code exists but is inactive. Code exists in Amortization Schedule (AMORT_SCH) table for the user's company, but is inactive.
Sales Abbreviation Code must include accounts for Deferred Revenue and Sales, if the SO line has an Amortization Code. Sales Abbreviation Code on the SO line does not include Deferred Revenue Account or Sales Account, and the Amortization Code on the SO line is not null.
Bill Cycle Code Bill Cycle exceeds maximum length of 6 characters. The Bill Cycle in the input file exceeds the maximum length of six characters.
Invalid value for Bill Cycle Code. The Bill Cycle Code value does not exist in the Bill Cycle table.

The Bill Cycle Code in the input file is blank.

Blanket Amount Blanket Amount is not in proper 14 digit ###########0.00 format. The Blanket Amount in the input file is not in proper 14-digit ###########0.00 format.
Negative value not permitted for Blanket Amount. A negative value is not permitted for the Blanket Amount in the input file.
Blanket Performance End Date Blanket Performance End Date is not in proper MMDDYYYY format. The Blanket Performance End Date in the input file should be in MMDDYYYY format.
Blanket Performance Start Date Blanket Performance Start Date is not in proper MMDDYYYY format. The Blanket Performance Start Date in the input file should be in MMDDYYYY format.
Blanket Release Number Negative value not permitted for SO Blanket Release Number. A negative value is not permitted for the SO Blanket Release Number in the input file.
Certificate of Conformance Certificate of Conformance must be 'Y' or 'N'. Value not Y or N.
CLIN ID CLIN field exceeds maximum length of 10 characters. The CLIN field in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 10 characters.
Commission The commission must be within the range 0 - 1. Value is negative or not between 0 – 1
Commission is not in proper 5 digit 0.0000 format. Commission Percentage in the input file is not in proper five-digit "0.0000" format.
Commodity This Customs Commodity Code does not exist. The Commodity code for Customs does not exist in the Customs Commodity table (EC_COMM).
Construction Certificate Construction Certificate value must be 'Y' or 'N'. Value not Y or N.
Consume Forecast Flag Consume Forecast field must be set to Y or N. Value not Y or N.
Contact Fax ID Contact Fax ID exceeds maximum length of 25 characters. The Contact Fax ID in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 25 characters.
Contact First Name Contact First Name exceeds maximum length of 25 characters. The Contact First Name in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 25 characters.
Contact Last Name Contact Last Name exceeds maximum length of 25 characters. The Contact Last Name in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 25 characters.
Contact Phone Number Contact Phone Number exceeds maximum length of 25 characters. The Contact Phone Number in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 25 characters.
Contractor Address Code Contractor Address Code exceeds maximum length of 6 characters. The Contractor Address Code in the input file exceeds the maximum length of six characters.
Invalid value for Contractor Address Code. The Contractor Address Code does not exist in the Contractor Address table.
Correction This Correction code does not exist. The Correction code for Customs does not exist in the Customs Correction table (EC_CORRECTION).
Country of Origin This Country of Origin code does not exist. The Country of Origin code for Customs does not exist in the Customs Country table (EC_COUNTRY).
Customer Bill To Address Customer Bill To Address is not set to D (default) or Y(Yes) The Customer Bill To Address is not set to D (Default) or Y (Yes) in the Customer Address table.
Invalid value for Customer Bill To Address. The Customer Bill To value does not exist in the Customer Address table.
Conflicting Customer Bill To and Customer ID values. The Customer Bill To is not set up for Customer ID in SO Header.
Customer ID Customer ID exceeds maximum length of 12 characters. The Customer ID in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 12 characters.
Invalid value for Customer ID. The Customer ID in the input file is blank.
Customer ID is a required field. The Customer ID in the input file is a required field.
Customer Item ID Customer Item ID exceeds maximum length of 30 characters. The Customer Item ID in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 30 characters.
Customer Model Number Customer Mod Number exceeds maximum length of 10 characters. The Customer Mod Number in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 10 characters.
Customer Purchase Order Customer Purchase Order exceeds maximum length of 30 characters. The Customer Purchase Order in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 30 characters.
Customer Terms Customer Terms exceeds maximum length of 9 characters. The Customer Terms in the input file exceeds the maximum length of nine characters.
Invalid value for Customer Terms. The Customer Terms value does not exist in the Customer Terms table.
Negative value not permitted for Customer Terms. A negative value is not permitted for the Customer Terms in the input file.
Declaration Point This Declaration Point does not exist. The Declaration Point for Customs does not exist in the Customs Declaration Point table (CUSTOMS_DECL_POINT).
Deliver To Deliver To field exceeds maximum length of 25 characters. The Deliver To field in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 25 characters.
Desired Date Desired Date is not in proper MMDDYYYY format. The Desired Date in the input file must be in MMDDYYYY format.

The Desired Date must be later than or the same as the Order Date.

Destination Country This Destination Country does not exist. The destination country code for Customs does not exist in the Customs Country table (EC_COUNTRY).
Discount Amount Discount Amount is not in proper 14 digit ###########0.00 format. The Discount Amount in the input file is not in the proper 14-digit ###########0.00 format.
Discount Percentage Discount Percentage is not in proper 5 digit 0.0000 format. The Discount Percentage in the input file is not in the proper five-digit 0.0000 format.
Negative value not permitted for Discount Percentage. A negative value is not permitted for the Discount Percentage in the input file.
Due Date Due Date is not in proper MMDDYYYY format The Due Date in the input file must be in MMDDYYYY format.
Due Date is a required field. The Due Date is a required field in the input file for either SO Header or SO Line.

The Due Date must be later than or the same as the Order Date.

Enable SO Invoice for WAWF Enable SO Invoices for iRAPT must be 'Y' or 'N'. Value not Y or N.
Extended Amount Extended Amount is not in proper 14 digit ###########0.00 format. The Extended Amount in the input file is not in proper 14-digit ###########0.00 format.
Negative value not permitted for Extended Amount. A negative value is not permitted for the Extended Amount in the input file.
Invalid value for Extended Amount. The Extended Amount is blank in the input file.
FOB FOB field exceeds maximum length of 15 characters. The FOB field in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 15 characters.
FOB Point FOB Point must be 'S', 'D', or 'O'. Input file value not S (Source), D (Destination), or O (Other).
GFE GFE must be 'Y' or 'N'. Value not Y or N.
Government Payment Office Invalid value for Government Payment Office. The Government Payment Office value does not exist in the Bill Payment Address table.
Gross Unit Price Gross Unit Price is not in proper 14 digit #########0.0000 format. The Gross Unit Price in the input file is not in the proper 14-digit #########0.0000 format.
Gross Unit Price is a required field. The Gross Unit Price is a required field in the input file. NOTE: You can enter both positive and negative values for the Gross Unit Price.
Inspect by DoDAAC Inspect By DoDAAC value exceeds the maximum of 6 characters in the input file. Input file value exceeds 6 characters.
Inspection Point Inspection Point must be 'S', 'D', or 'O'. Input file value not S (Source), D (Destination), or O (Other).
International Shipment International Shipment exceeds maximum length of 1 character. The International Shipment in the input file exceeds the maximum length of one character.
Invalid value for International Shipment. The International Shipment must be set to either Y or N.
Issued By Office Issued By Office exceeds maximum length of 6 characters. The Issued By Office value in the input file exceeds the maximum length of six characters.
Invalid value for Issued By Office. The Issued By Office does not exist in the Issued By Address table.
Item ID Item ID exceeds maximum length of 50 characters. The Item ID value in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 30 characters. NOTE: This only applies to fixed length file format.
Invalid value for Item ID. The Item ID does not exist in the Item Product table.
Item ID is a required field. The Item ID is a required field in the input file.
Item Key Item Key exceeds maximum length of 9 characters. The Item Key in the input file exceeds the maximum length of nine characters.
Invalid value for Item Key. Item Key value does not exist in the Item Product table.
Item Key is a required field. The Item Key is a required field in the input file.
Negative value not permitted for Item Key. A negative value is not permitted for the Item Key in the input file.
Item Revision Item Revision exceeds maximum length of 10 characters. The Item Revision in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 10 characters.  NOTE: This only applies to fixed length file format.
Invalid value for Item Revision. The Item Revision value does not exist in the Item Product table.
Item Revision is a required field. The Item Revision is a required field in the input file.
Line Notes Line Notes exceeds maximum length of 1000 characters. The Line Notes in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 1,000 characters.
Line Notes is a required field. The Line Notes is a required field in the input file.
Line Notes can only be applied if there is an associated SO Line record which is valid. The Line Notes can be applied only if there is a valid associated SO Line record in the input file.
Local Processing Office DoDAAC Local Processing Office DoDAAC value exceeds the maximum of 6 characters in the input file. Input file value exceeds 6 characters.
Mark For Address Mark For Address exceeds maximum length of 10 characters. The Mark For Address in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 10 characters.
Invalid value for Mark For Address Code. The Mark for Address Code value does not exist in the Customer Address table
Miscellaneous Line Charge Misc. Line Charge exceeds maximum length of 6 characters. The Miscellaneous Line Charge Type in the input file exceeds the maximum length of six characters.
Mode of Transportation This Mode of Transportation does not exist. The Mode of Transportation code for Customs does not exist in the Customs Mode of Transportation table (EC_MODE_OF_TRANSP).
Model ID Model ID exceeds maximum length of 30 characters. The Model ID in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 30 characters.
National Stock Number National Stock Number exceeds maximum length of 20 characters. The National Stock Number in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 20 characters.
NOTC This NOTC code does not exist. The NOTC code for Customs does not exist in the Nature of Transaction Code table (EC_NOTC).
Number of Users The maximum number of users allowed is 32767. Exceeds maximum value of 32,767.
Order Date Order Date is not in proper MMDDYYYY format. The Order Date in the input file must be in MMDDYYYY format.
Order Date is a required field. The Order Date is a required field in the input file.
Order Quantity Inventory Order Qty must be a whole number if Inventory U/M = EA. Inventory SO line, part's inventory U/M = EA and quantity (converted to inventory U/M) is not a whole number.
Negative value not permitted for Order Quantity. A negative value is not permitted for Order Quantity in the input file.

The Quantity Ordered cannot be zero for insert records.

Order Quantity cannot be less than the Invoiced Quantity for the SO line. Sales Order line Order Quantity is changed to a quantity less than the total invoiced quantity for the SO line (SO_LN.INVC_QTY).
Order Quantity cannot be less than the Issued Quantity for the SO line. Sales Order line Order Quantity is changed to a quantity less than the total quantity that has been issued against it (SO_LN.ISSUE_QTY).
Order Quantity is a required field. The Order Quantity is a required field in the input file.
Order Quantity is not in proper 14 digit #########0.0000 format. The Order Quantity in the input file is not in the proper 14-digit #########0.0000 format.
Quantity Shipped cannot be more than Quantity Ordered. The Quantity Ordered in the input file is less than the Quantity Shipped.
Other 3rd Party Office DoDAAC 3rd Party-Other OfficeDoDAAC value exceeds the maximum of 6 characters in the input file. Input file value exceeds 6 characters.
Overshipment Flag Overshipment Flag exceeds maximum length of 1 character. The Overshipment Flag in the input file exceeds the maximum length of one character.

The Overship Allow Flag must be set to either Y or N.

Partial Shipment Flag Partial Shipment exceeds maximum length of 1 character. The Partial Shipment in the input file exceeds the maximum length of one character.

The Partial Ship Flag must be set to either Y or N.

PO Ship ID This Ship ID does not exist. The ship ID does not exist in the SHIP_ID table for the user's company.
Pricing Catalog Cannot have both a Pricing Project and a Pricing Catalog in the same SO Header. A pricing Project OR a Pricing Catalog is allowed in the input file
Invalid value for Pricing Catalog. The Pricing Catalog value does not exist in the Pricing Catalog table.
Pricing Project Cannot have both a Pricing Project and a Pricing Catalog in the same SO Header. A pricing Project OR a Pricing Catalog is allowed in the input file.
Invalid value for Pricing Project. The Pricing Project value does not exist in the Project table.
Prime Contract ID Prime Contract ID exceeds maximum length of 20 characters. The Prime Contract ID in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 20 characters.
Prime Contractor CAGE Code Prime Contractor CAGE Code value exceeds the maximum of 5 characters in the input file. Input file value exceeds 5 characters.
Product Service Type Invalid Product Service Type. Value not:
  • B8: Batch number
  • CL: Color
  • F8: Next higher used assembly
  • FS: National stock number
  • FT: Federal supply class (FSC)
  • MG: Manufacturer's part number
  • MN: Model number
  • SN: Serial number
  • SV: Service rendered
  • VP: Vendor's part number
Project To Charge Project To Charge exceeds maximum length of 30 characters. The Project To Charge in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 30 characters.
Invalid value for Project To Charge. The Project to Charge value does not exist in the Projects table.
Unable to find a value for the Project To Charge. The Project to Charge does not exist in the Projects table.
Quantity Shipped Quantity Shipped is not in proper 14 digit #########0.0000 format. The Quantity Shipped in the input file is not in the proper 14-digit #########0.0000 format.
Quote ID Quote ID exceeds maximum length of 10 characters. The Quote ID in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 10 characters.
Rate Group The Rate Group does not exist. The Rate Group does not exist in the Rate Group table (RT_GRP).
Transactional to Functional currency combination is not a member of the Sales Order Rate Group. The Transaction to Functional Currency combination must exist in the Rate Group Currency table (RT_GRP_CRNCY) on the Enter/Manage Exchange Rate Groups screen in Multicurrency before the Rate Group and exchange rate can be chosen for the SO Header.
Recurring Item End Date Recurring Item End Date is not in proper MMDDYYYY format. The Recurring Item End Date in the input file must be in MMDDYYYY format.

The Recurring Item End Date must be later than the Recurring Item Start Date.

Recurring Item Start Date Recurring Item Start Date is not in proper MMDDYYYY format. The Recurring Item Start Date in the input file must be in MMDDYYYY format.
Remit To Address Remit To Address exceeds maximum length of 6 characters. The Remit To Address in the input file exceeds the maximum length of six characters.
Invalid value for Remit To Address Code. The Remit to Address Code value does not exist in the Bill Remit Address table.
Revenue Recognition Valid revenue recognition codes are 'D', 'L', 'P', 'R', 'S' or 'U'. Invalid revenue recognition code. Valid values are:
  • D: Deferred revenue
  • L: Liquidations
  • P: Prepay
  • R: Ready for use
  • S: Shipment/Sales
  • U: Unbilled accounts receivable
Sales Group Abbreviation Sales Group Abbreviation exceeds maximum length of 6 characters. The Sales Group Abbreviation in the input file exceeds the maximum length of six characters.
Invalid value for Sales Group Abbreviation Code. The Sales Group Abbreviation Code value does not exist in the Sales Abbreviation code table.
Sales Order Inserts and updates to the same Sales Order cannot be in the same input file. The input file cannot contains inserts and updates to the same Sales Order.
Sales Order Change Number Sales Order Change Number is not in proper integer with maximum of 4 digits format. The Sales Order Change Number in the input file is not a proper integer with a maximum of four digits.
Negative value not permitted for SO Change Number. A negative value is not permitted for the SO Change Number in the input file
Sales Order Header SO Headers can only be applied if there is at least one associated SO Line record which is valid. SO Headers can be applied only if there is at least one valid associated SO Line record in the input file.
Sales Order Line SO Lines can only be applied if there is an associated SO Header record which is valid. SO Lines can be applied only if there is a valid associated SO Header record in the input file.
Sales Order Line Description SO Line Description exceeds maximum length of 60 characters. The SO Line Description in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 60 characters.
Sales Order Line Description is a required field. The Sales Order Line Description is a required field in the input file.
Sales Order Line Key Negative value not permitted for SO Line Key. A negative value is not permitted for the SO Line Key in the input file.
Sales Order Line Number Negative value not permitted for SO Line Number. A negative value is not permitted for the SO Line Number in the input file.

The Sales Order Line Number is a required field in the input file.

Sales Order Notes Sales Order Notes exceeds maximum length of 254 characters. The Sales Order Notes in the input file exceeds a maximum length of 254 characters.
Sales Representative ID Sales Representative ID exceeds maximum length of 12 characters. The Sales Representative ID in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 12 characters.
Invalid value for Sales Representative ID. The Sales Representative ID value does not exist in the Sales Representative table.
Sales Tax/VAT Code Sales Tax/VAT Code exceeds maximum length of 6 characters. The Sales Tax/VAT Code in the input file exceeds the maximum length of six characters.
Invalid value for Sales Tax/VAT Code. The Sales Tax/VAT Code value does not exist in the Sales Tax/VAT table.
SDN SDN value exceeds the maximum of 30 characters in the input file. Input file value exceeds 30 characters.
Ship By Date Ship By Date is not in proper MMDDYYYY format. The Ship By Date in the input file should be in MMDDYYYY format.

The Ship By Date cannot be later than the Due Date.

Ship From Address Ship From Address exceeds maximum length of 6 characters. The Ship From Address in the input file exceeds a maximum length of six characters.
Invalid value for Ship From Address Code. The Ship From Address Code value does not exist in the Contractor Address table.
Ship To Address Ship To Address exceeds maximum length of 20 characters. The Ship To Address in the input file exceeds the maximum length of 20 characters.
Invalid value for Ship To Address Code. The Ship To Address Code value does not exist in the Ship ID table.
No default Ship To Address Code was found. The Ship To Address Code in the Customer Address table is not set to D (Default).
Ship Via Ship Via exceeds maximum length of 15 characters. The Ship Via in the input file exceeds a maximum length of 15 characters.
Tax ID This Tax ID does not exist for this customer. This Tax ID for Customs does not exist in Customer Value Added Tax Information table (CUST_VAT_INFO) for the matching Sales Order Customer (SO_HDR.CUST_ID).
Taxable Flag Taxable Flag exceeds maximum length of 1 character. The Taxable Flag in the input file exceeds the maximum length of one character.
Taxable Flag is a required field. The Taxable Flag is a required field in the input file.

The Taxable flag must be set to either Y or N.

Text Code The Text Code does not exist in the Standard Text table. The Text Code does not exist in the Standard Text table.
Total Released Amount Total Released Amount is not in proper 14 digit ###########0.00 format. The Total Released Amount in the input file is not in proper 14-digit ###########0.00 format.
Negative value not permitted for Total Release Amount. A negative value is not permitted for the Total Release Amount in the input file.
Traffic Direction This Traffic Direction code does not exist. The Traffic Direction code for Customs does not exist in the Customs Traffic Direction table (CUSTMS_TRAFFIC_DIR).
Transaction Currency Transaction Currency is not valid. The Transaction Currency code does not exist in the CURRENCY table.
Transactional to Functional currency combination is not a member of the Sales Order Rate Group. The Transaction to Functional Currency combination must exist in the Rate Group Currency table (RT_GRP_CRNCY) on the Enter/Manage Exchange Rate Groups screen in Multicurrency before the Rate Group and exchange rate can be chosen for the SO Header.
The transaction currency code selected is not valid for this customer. The Transaction Currency must be included in the list of currencies, if the customer is limited to certain transaction currencies (i.e., the Limit Transaction Currencies checkbox is selected on the Multicurrency subtask of the Enter/Manage Customers screen).
UID Required UID Required must be 'Y' or 'N'. Value not Y or N.
Unit of Measure Unit Of Measure exceeds maximum length of 3 characters. The Unit Of Measure in the input file exceeds the maximum length of three characters.
Invalid value for Unit Of Measure. The Unit of Measure value does not exist in the Item Unit of Measure table.
User Revision User Revision exceeds maximum length of 3 characters. The User Revision in the input file exceeds the maximum length of three characters.
Invalid value for User Revision. The User Revision does not exist in the Item Product table.
Volume Discount Percent Volume Discount Percent is not in proper 5 digit 0.0000 format. The Volume Discount Percent in the input file is not in the proper five-digit 0.0000 format.
Negative value not permitted for Volume Discount Percentage. A negative value is not permitted for the Volume Discount Percentage in the input file.
Warehouse ID The Warehouse ID value does not exist in the Warehouse table. The Warehouse ID value does not exist in the Warehouse table.