Import Asset Disposals Edit Report

The following sections provide information about the Import Assets Disposals Edit Report.

Report Layout/Data Sources

Label Source
Import Fixed Assets Disposal Edit Report Header Line
Asset Number Input File 3rd field/Table FA_IMP_DISP.ASSET_ID
Item Number Input File 4th field/Table FA_IMP_DISP.ITEM_NO
Select Status Input File 13th field/Table FA_IMP_DISP.S_DISP_STATUS_CD
Gain/Loss Account Input File 8th field/Table FA_IMP_DISP.GNLS_ACCT_ID
Gain/Loss Org Input File 9th field/Table FA_IMP_DISP.GNLS_ORG_ID
Depreciation Adjustment Input File 14th field/Table FA_IMP_DISP.B1_DEPR_ADJ_AMT
Disposal Price Input File 5th field/Table FA_IMP_DISP.DISP_PRICE_AMT
Totals All data come from the Input File/Table. Totals for Depr Adjust and Disposal Price.

Report Sort Order

The table sorts data according to the following fields: