
The system performs the following actions when you use toolbar buttons as described below.

Action Title Action Process
Import Asset Disposals Edit Report after you click Preview > Default Report or Print Default Report If records passed validations during print/process, the user can preview or print the Edit Report of records that have passed validations and can be imported into FA_DISP_EDIT as disposal edit records per screen parameters.

No report will be generated if the user has selected the Delete Imported Records option and clicks Validate Input File.

Import Asset Disposals Error Report after you click Validate Input File An error report will be created as a result of the print/process.

A Header Row error will immediately stop the validation process and the error report will only describe the Header Row issue(s). Note that a header row error indicates that an import attempt was made on asset data that was existing in a fiscal year/accounting period that is different from the Fixed Assets posting settings in the current database. Attempts to modify the import data to match the fiscal year/account period to the posting settings in the current database should not be attempted without a full understanding of how this will affect depreciation computations for the affected assets in the current system.

If the Header Row is okay, the Upload will continue and an error report will follow, with validation failures that prevent processing detailed first, followed by validation failures that are warnings but, by themselves, will not stop the processing or ultimate import of disposal edit records.

Import records into FA_DISP_EDIT after you click Validate Input File, and then Print Default Report The records that qualified for the Edit Report are now processed into FA_DISP_EDIT and are visible in Manage Disposal Transactions. For Table records, the Status is changed to I, indicating that this record has been used to create a disposal edit record for an asset, and that this record is available to delete if the user selects the delete records via the Process Table Option Delete Imported Records.