Update State Filing Status

Run this toolkit to change employees' current withholding status from either Married, Single, Both, Head of Household, Misc 1, Misc 2, Misc 3, or Misc 4 to a longer, more descriptive, withholding status for their state which corresponds to the original one.

Deltek recommends that you back up your data before running this toolkit. The following are the critical tables that you must back up:

  • Employee Tax (EMPL_TAX)
  • Employee Multi-State Tax Information (EMPL_TAX_MULTI)
  • Employee Earnings by State (EMPL_EARN_STATE)
  • Local Tax History (LOCAL_TAX_HS)
  • Local Taxability (LOCAL_TAX_TBL)
  • Local Standard Deduction (LOC_STD_DED)
  • ESS State Tax Settings -Child Table (ESS_STATE_TAX_LN)
  • State Withholding Filing Status (STATE_FILING_STATUS)

    This toolkit will also create new Maryland local tax table records with 0% rates so that any employee set up with Maryland local taxes will no longer have any local tax withheld. All Maryland taxes will now be withheld at the state level.

Note: If you include Employee Earnings in the processing, the application updates only checks dated after 12/31/2016.
Warning: You must run the report before running the update process to ensure the statuses are being mapped correctly. Once the toolkit is run, all tables that contain state withholding statuses will be updated. This includes all employee tax screens as well as any state tax setup screens. This toolkit can only be run one time. After the statuses have been updated, this toolkit will no longer be available.