Billing Detail Tab

Use this tab to enter information for the header of the bill.

You can enter the customer, invoice due date, purchase order number, invoice date, and customer terms. You can also select the status of the invoice in this tab. You should set the status of the bill to Unselected while you are entering and adjusting the bill. Change the status to Selected after the bill is ready to print and post.

Use this tab before you enter the line detail of the invoice. You can change the data in this tab at any time. You must use the Recalculate button after you have made changes in this tab to ensure that all changes display on the bill.


Field Description

Enter, or click to select, the customer being invoiced. A customer is required for all project invoices. The customer name displays in the field to the right.


Select the status of the invoice. A status of Selected indicates that this invoice is ready to be posted. Unselected invoices are not posted.

Purchase Order No

Enter the purchase order related to this invoice. This is the purchase order from the customer being invoiced. This is an optional field.


Enter the invoice number for this invoice. The combination of project and invoice must be unique.

Invoice Date

Enter the invoice date. The system date defaults into this field.


Select the terms of the invoice. The terms displayed in the drop-down list were initialized on the Manage Customer Terms screen. The terms selected determine the due date of the invoice.

Due Date

Enter the due date for this invoice. Receivables are aged based on due date. The due date defaults in based on the terms selected.

Bill Currency

The currency used to bill this invoice displays in this field. To modify this billing currency, use the Exchange Rates subtask.

Default Tax Information

The tax code that is used on the lines of the invoice displays in this group box. The tax code defaults from the Manage Customers screen when the customer is entered.

Field Description
Tax Code

Enter the sales tax code you want to default in on invoice lines. If you enter a code in this field, Y (Yes) defaults into the Taxable field. This sales tax code defaults into the Tax Code field. The rate in the sales tax table for this code defaults into the Tax Rate field. The Tax Amt is calculated based on the Tax Rate multiplied by the total unit amount less discounts.

Tax Exempt ID

If applicable, enter the tax exempt ID for this tax code.

iRAPT Information

Field Description
Included in iRAPT File

If this checkbox is selected, this indicates that the bill has been included in an iRAPT file. You can edit this checkbox, but you should exercise caution when doing so because it may cause the bill to be included in more than one iRAPT file. 

Alt File Name

If the bill has been included in an iRAPT file, this field displays the file name.

Alt File Location

If the bill has been included in an iRAPT file, this field displays the output path used when the file was created. If the Included in iRAPT File checkbox is selected and this field is blank, you must enter the output path used when the file was created.

Document Location

Use this field to attach a file to your project product bill. You can use this feature to attach a copy of this bill, the section of the contract that defines the billing requirements, documentation for the bill such as timesheets or vouchers, or other information regarding contract funding. You should attach documents before you post the bills.

Enter the location of the file that you want to attach to your bill. You can also click the Browse for file button to the right of this field to open a dialog and navigate your network to locate the file that you want to attach to your bill.

Use the Open file button to view the attached file. Costpoint displays an error message if no document location was entered.

Note: You can save a copy of this bill in the document location. After making your final edits, set the Status to Selected and use the Print Project Product Bills screen to print the bill to a file in the document location.


These fields display running invoice totals for all invoice lines.

Field Description
Ln/Item Amt

This field displays a running invoice total of item cost amounts for all invoice lines.

Disc Amount

This field displays a running invoice total of discount amounts for all invoice lines.

Tax Amount

This field displays a running invoice total of sales or value added tax amounts for all invoice lines.


This field displays a running invoice total of the other charges for all invoice lines.

Invoice Amount Due

This field displays the total amount of the invoice net of discounts, sales tax, and shipping charges. This amount is posted as the billed receivable and invoice amount.

Net Invoice Amount

This non-editable field displays the net invoice amount.

Liq Amount

This field displays the reduction to the invoice price for the progress bills that the customer has already paid. Progress payment bills are calculated and printed in other processes. Use this screen when you bill the customer for shipment of a finished good, which means the bill is a Delivery invoice. In the table window, the individual lines contain the items and prices that you are billing.

Use this field only if the project uses progress payment bills. Progress payment billing is used on projects that require a long lead time before deliveries are made or when substantial amounts of money must be expended before the contractor becomes eligible for partial payments on deliveries. Under this arrangement, you can submit interim bills that cover a percentage of your expenditures, even though deliveries may not have been made.

Costpoint calculates this field as the lower of the following two values:

  • The total invoice amount times (100% minus the liquidation rate entered on the 1443 Info tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen).
  • The amount of progress payment bills remaining to liquidate, which is defined as: the sum of liquidations taken on all delivery invoices fully paid added to the sum of liquidation amounts on all delivery invoices not paid to arrive at the sum of all liquidations. Costpoint subtracts the sum of all liquidations from the sum of all progress payment bills in the Accounts Receivable History files to arrive at the amount of progress payment bills remaining to liquidate. This field can be edited.

When you post this invoice, the entry that is made depends on the posting method you selected in the 1443 Postings group box on the Configure Billing Settings screen.

For more information, see the "Progress Payment Bills" topic.

Invoice Type

This non-editable field displays the type of invoice for this project. For projects that bill using progress payment bills, the invoice type is Delivery; for all other projects, the invoice type is Standard. Projects that have a billing formula of Progress Payment are the only projects allowed to have delivery invoices.