
The following warning messages can display on the screen.

The work schedule code is longer than 10 characters, it has been truncated.

If the work schedule code is greater than 10 characters, this warning displays. Enter a code 10 characters or less and continue.

The work schedule description is longer than 30 characters, it has been truncated.

If the work schedule description is greater than 30 characters, this warning displays. Enter a description using 30 characters or less and continue.

The flextime flag is invalid and has been set to "N"

The flextime flag is determined by your selection from the Default Flexible drop-down on the Import Work Schedules from Deltek Time and Expense preprocessor. It determines whether holiday and non-work hours are flexible or not. Check that this option is set as you want and continue.

The non-work flag is invalid and has been set to “N”

The holiday flag is invalid and has been set to “N”

The flextime flag is set to "Y", but the non-work and holiday flags are set to "N".  The flextime flag has been set to "N"

These values are linked, so if non-work and holiday is set to N, then the Default Flexible option should be set to unchecked.

The day of week is invalid and has been replaced

If the data entered in this field does not equal SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI or SAT, this warning displays. Enter one of these values and continue.

This description is different from the first one found for this Work Schedule.  It has been replaced by the first one found in the file.

If the work schedule description for the same work schedule code has multiple values in the file, all other instances of description are replaced with the first instance found in the file.

Changing range option will clear the From field.  Continue?

If you select a different option in the Work Schedule Option field, any value selected previously in the Start field will be cleared.

Changing range option will clear the To field.  Continue?

If you select a different option in the Work Schedule Option field, any value selected previously in the End field will be cleared.

Changing range option will clear the From field.  Continue?

If you select a different option in the Year Option field, any value selected previously in the Start field will be cleared.

Changing range option will clear the To field.  Continue?

If you select a different option in the Year Option field, any value selected previously in the End  field will be cleared.