Summary Detail Subtask

The table below describes the columns that display for Summary Detail subtask.

Column Headings Description
Description This column displays the description of the project.
Prior Years This column displays the prior years details.
Cur PD Actual This column displays the actual amounts for the current period.
Cur PD Budget This column displays the budgeted amounts for the current period.
Cur PD Variance This column displays the difference between actual and budgeted amounts for the current period.
YTD Actual This column displays the actual year-to-date amounts.
YTD Budget This column displays the budgeted year-to-date amounts.
YTD Variance This column displays the difference between actual and budgeted year-to-date amounts.
ITD Incurred This column displays the actual amounts incurred from inception to date.
ITD Budget This column displays the budgeted amounts from inception to date.
ITD Variance This column displays the difference between the actual and budgeted amounts from inception to date.
Pending This column displays the pending purchase orders.
ITD Plus Pending This column displays the ITD Incurred plus Pending amounts.
Total Budget/EAC This column displays either the total Budget or total EAC amount, depending on the selected Total Budget Type in the Header.
Balance Remaining This column displays the remaining amount after you deduct ITD Plus Pending from Total Bud/EAC.
Yellow Rows The following results display the end of the report:
  • Percent of Budgeted Costs: This row displays the total expense percentages under the following columns:
    • Cur Pd Actual: This is the percentage of the current period actual expense to the current period budget.
    • YTD Actual: This is the percentage of the year-to-date actual expense to the year-to-date budget.
    • ITD Incurred: This is the percentage of the inception-to-date incurred expense to the inception-to-date budget.
  • Percent of Funded Value: This row displays the percentage of the Total Revenue amount under ITD Incurred to the Funded Value Total amount in the Header.
  • Percent of Contract Value: This row displays the percentage of the Total Revenue amount under ITD Incurred to the Contract Value Total amount in the Header.
  • Percent of Time Elapsed: This row displays the percentage of the number of periods ITD to the number of periods per the contract Period of Performance in the Header.
Note: The number of periods ITD is calculated from the contract start date up to the current period. For example, if the start date is 01/01/21 and the current period is 03/31/22, then the number of periods ITD is 15.