Contents of the Manage BI Menu Content Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Menu tab in BI. After completing the fields, click Save.

Field Description
Show Select either Yes to display the menu item on the Menu tab or No if otherwise. You can add a menu item and keep it hidden until it is needed. An example of this is when a report is seldom used, for example, once a year. You can keep it hidden until it is time to display it for users to access.
Add-on modules, such as Fixed Assets, are hidden by default, but you can choose to show them if needed.
Source This field always displays Custom when you are adding a new menu item. It displays Deltek when the menu item is pre-populated by Costpoint BI. Pre-populated items cannot be removed, but can be hidden.
Parent Folder Select the parent folder for the menu item that you like to add. For example, to add a menu item under General Ledger, select General Ledger as Parent Folder. The values in the Parent Folder field are limited to those found in Team Content > Company Content > Your Tenant and the standard parent folders in Costpoint BI. Sub-folders are not supported at this time for custom content.
Object Type Select the type of object for the menu item. For example, select Report for the Custom Income Statement menu item.
NAME Enter the name of the item exactly as indicated on the Company Content tab. For example, if you created a report with the name Custom Income Statement found in Company Content, you would enter Custom Income Statement as the name on the Manage BI Menu Content screen.
Description Add a description for the menu item. You will see this description whenever you hover over the menu item on the Menu tab.
Sort Order Enter the sort number for the menu item as you would like it to display under the parent folder on the Menu tab.

Using the Menu Report

You can access the Menu Report in BI to view Deltek's standard reports (from Team Content) and custom reports (from Company Content) listed on the Menu tab. The following guidelines should help you successfully customize the Menu tab and run the Menu report:

  • You must use Deltek's standard user groups to take advantage of the Menu report. These groups begin with CER_ for Advanced licensed customers and STD_ for Essentials licensed customers.
  • If you are not using the standard user groups, you will see a blank report with a message explaining that your user is not assigned to a Deltek standard user group for content access. The Menu report is designed to combine Team Content and Company Content into a single location for ease of use. To view the content that is available for your use, go to the Company Content tab in BI.

  • Important: To incorporate your Custom content, again, you must be using Deltek's standard user groups to secure Company Content folders. And, you can only add items that exist in Team Content > Company Content > Your Tenant Folder > and then one of the subfolders listed here—a very specific organization mirroring the Team Content folder structure.
  • Deltek's out-of-the-box content is pre-loaded in the menu, but reports or dashboards for add-on modules (such as Fixed Assets) are not shown by default. If you are using add-on modules, you need to set the Show field to Yes for the objects in those modules on the Manage BI Menu Content screen.

  • Also, carefully enter the names of your reports in this menu and the folders in the Company Content. Doing so creates a URL in the background using the Parent Folder and Name, so objects listed here must exactly match the location and name in BI.