Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers

A voucher is an invoice that you have received from a vendor and entered into Costpoint as a payable.

After you enter vouchers into Costpoint, you can review them on the Print Voucher Edit Report screen.

If you need to make corrections, edit the vouchers on the same screen that you used to enter them. When the vouchers are correct—and approved, if approval is required—you can post them to the Accounts Payable files.

Use this screen to enter vendor invoices for which a purchase order has not yet been issued.

  • If you are using an external purchasing system, use the PO Number and PO Release Number fields in the Reference Only group box on the Details tab of this screen to enter the purchase order number and release number. These numbers have no impact on the calculation of commitments.
  • If you are issuing purchase orders through Costpoint, you should enter invoices related to issued purchase orders on the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen, rather than through this screen.

You can also use this screen to correct a posted voucher that was charged to the wrong account, project, or organization. This is possible when you enter zero (0) in the Invoice > Amount field, and enter offsetting cost lines in the table window.

Intelligent Character Recognition

This screen is integrated with an Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) tool that allows you to create new vouchers by uploading electronic copies of invoices. Use the Attach button on the application toolbar to upload and scan an electronic copy of an invoice and automatically enter the invoice details in the mapped fields to create a new voucher for that invoice.

When you scan an uploaded invoice, Costpoint populates the following fields:

  • Main Screen
    • Vendor ID
    • Vendor Name
    • Terms
    • Currency Group Box
      • Trans
      • Pay
  • Header Info Tab
    • Invoice Group Box
      • Number
      • Date
      • Amount
    • Discount Group Box
      • Amount
    • Due Group Box
      • Date
  • Details Tab
    • Reference Only Group Box
      • PO
  • Notes/Doc Loc Tab
    • Notes
      Note: In this field, Costpoint enters the following information:
      • The original vendor name as scanned
      • The original invoice number as scanned (if it exceeds the Invoice Number field length on the screen and is truncated)
      • The original PO number as scanned (if it exceeds the PO Number field length on the screen and is truncated)
      • Total invoice tax amount, for reference only (Costpoint does not support direct processing of sales tax from a scanned invoice)
  • Table Window
    • Description
    • Cost Amount

You can upload the following file formats:

File Type



.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp

Document .pdf
Text .txt
HTML .htm, .html

After you attach a file, you can click the drop-down list of the Attach button and select View Linked Content Files to open the Linked Content Files subtask where you can maintain, view, and delete attachments.

Note: Refer to the Linked Content Files and Manage Application/Content Links help topics for more information on setting up content links.


This screen contains the following tabs:

  • The Header Info tab contains information used for the voucher as well as recalculation options.
  • The Details tab contains information used for the voucher, but the fields that you can edit are either infrequently changed from the default or are not mandatory for voucher processing.
  • Use the Address tab at any time during voucher entry to edit or enter information relating to the voucher header, such as the vendor to pay, and payment address.
  • Use the Check tab at any time during voucher entry to store information related to manual checks that have been issued against the voucher you are entering.
  • Use the Recur tab to define a new, recurring voucher template. Before defining a new, recurring voucher template, select the Template check box in the header, then access this tab.
  • Use the Subcontractor Info tab to enter subcontractor invoicing information.
  • Use the Notes/Doc Loc tab to record the location of a document containing information that supports the data you are entering.
  • Use the Entry Defaults tab to set up entry defaults and speed up the entry of Accounts Payable vouchers.
Note: The UI profile you are assigned may have caused some fields to be hidden on your screen. For more information, contact your system administrator.