Advanced Search

Use the Advanced Search subtask to search for and add multiple resources using additional search criteria available within Costpoint Planning.

Advanced Search

Field Description
Opportunity ID

Select the ID of the contract opportunity you want to link to a budget resource.

Note: If you access Advanced Search on the New Business Budgets screen, this field defaults to the Opportunity ID you entered when you created the budget.
Opportunity Labor Category

If the Opportunity ID field is not blank, you can select a labor category from this drop-down list.

The Resource Search Criteria are automatically set based on the Opportunity Labor Category you select.

Resource Type

Use the fields in this group box to select the type of resources you want to find.

Note: Different Resource Types are available depending on where you access Advanced Search.
Field Description

Select this check box to search for employees. Employee details are retrieved from the People domain.

Contract Employee

Select this check box to search for employees who are identified as contractors. Contractor details are retrieved from the People domain.


Select this check box to search for vendors. Vendor details are retrieved from the Accounting domain.

Vendor Employee

Select this check box to search for employees of a vendor's subcontractor. Vendor employee details are retrieved from the Accounting domain.

Resource Search Criteria

Use the fields in this group box to select search criteria for finding team resources.

You can search for resources using the following criteria:

  • ITAR Required
  • Manager
  • Skills
  • Socioeconomic Status
  • Location
  • Organization
  • Credentials
  • US Citizenship
  • General Labor Code
  • Clearance

Some of the drop-down lists in this group box have the multi-select function which allows you to click and highlight multiple options. The highlighted options will be used as the search criteria for finding resources. You can also select a range of options by holding the SHIFT key and clicking the beginning and end of the range.

You can use the following to modify the options and selections on the list:

  • Search: Enter a value in this field to display a specific value or range of values.
  • Select All: Click this link to select all currently displayed values on the list.
  • Show Selected: Select this check box to display only the values you selected.
  • Clear: Click this link to clear your selection.
Note: The search criteria may be enabled or disabled depending on the Resource Types you select.

If you access Advanced Search on the Resource Planning, you must select the assignment date range before adding resources using Advanced Search.

Field Description
ITAR Required

Use this drop-down list to select the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) authorization type of the resource you want to find. The list displays the ITAR Status options on the Manage Employee Security screen.

The options are:

  • Not Applicable
  • U.S. Person Authorized for ITAR
  • Foreign Person with U.S. Dept of State Authorization / Special Exemption
  • Not Authorized

Use this drop-down list to select a manager or managers of resources you want to find. You can select multiple options on this list. If you select multiple options, the system will find resources who are managed by, at least, one manager you selected.


Use this drop-down list to select skill codes of the resources you want to find. The list displays skill codes set up on the Manage Skill Codes screen. You can select multiple options on this list. If you select multiple options, the system will find resources who have at least one of the skill codes you selected.

Socioeconomic Status

If you select Vendor as the Resource Type, use this drop-down list to select the business classification of the vendor you want to find. The list displays vendor business classifications displayed on the Manage Vendors screen. You can select multiple options on this list. If you select multiple options, the system will find vendors belonging to, at least, one of the socioeconomic status you selected.


Use this drop-down list to select the labor location code of the resources you want to find. The list displays labor location codes set up on the Manage Labor Locations/Locals screen. You can select multiple options on this list. If you select multiple options, the system will find resources belonging to each of the location codes you selected.


Use this drop-down list to select the organization ID of the resources you want to find. The list displays IDs of organizations set up on the Manage Organization Structures screen. You can select multiple options on this list. If you select multiple options, the system will find resources belonging to each of the organization IDs you selected.

Credentials Use this drop-down list to select the degree code of the resources you want to find. The list displays degree codes set up on the Manage Degrees screen. You can select multiple options on this list. If you select multiple options, the system will find resources who have at least one of the degree codes you selected.
NAICS If you select Vendor as the Resource Type, use this drop-down list to select the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of the vendor you want to find. The list displays NAICS codes set up on the Manage NAICS Codes screen. You can select multiple options on this list. If you select multiple options, the system will find vendors that have at least one of the NAICS codes you selected. The description of the selected code indicates the effective date.
US Citizenship Required?

Use this drop-down list to specify the citizenship type of the resources you want to find.

The options are:

  • None: Select this option to find resources with any citizenship.
  • Yes: Select this option to find resources who are U.S. citizens.
  • None: Select this option to find resources who are non-U.S. citizens.
General Labor Category

Use this drop-down list to select the General Labor Category (GLC) code of the resources you want to find. The list displays codes set up on the Manage General Labor Categories screen. You can select multiple options on this list. If you select multiple options, the system will find resources who belong to each of the GLCs you selected.

Clearance and above

Use this drop-down list to select the minimum security clearance level of the resources you want to find. The list displays security clearance levels set up on the Manage Security Clearance Settings screen.


Click Reset to clear the current search criteria.

Find Resources

Click Find Resources to search for resources using the selected search criteria.


The employee resources that matched your search criteria display in the Resources table. If you created employee requisitions, click Auto Load Employee Req to display requisition records in this table.

You can select multiple records by holding the CTRL key while selecting records or select a range of records by holding SHIFT and clicking the beginning and end of the range.

To select all resources, select the check box at the top of the first row. The Resource table displays basic information about each resource.

Column Headings Description
% Match This column indicates how closely each result matches the selected criteria.

Costpoint calculates the % Match for a resource type depending on the search criteria you select and if the criteria have the multi-select function.

For criteria that do not have multi-select or have multi-select with an OR logic operator, 100% is divided by the number of search criteria you select. If the resource matches a criterion, that criterion gets the whole portion from the divided percentage.

For example, you select the resource type Employee. In the Resource Search Criteria group box, you select an option on the ITAR Required (no multi-select) drop-down list and select multiple options on the Manager (multi-select, OR) drop-down list. 50% is allotted for each criterion.

If the resource matches the ITAR authorization you selected, it gets the whole 50% allotted for the ITAR Required criterion. If the resource matches at least one option you selected on the Manager drop-down list, it also gets the whole 50% allotted for the Manager criterion, making the resource a 100% match.

For search criteria that have the multi-select function with an AND logic operator, each option you select is added to the divisor by which 100% is divided. The criterion itself is not included in the divisor.

For example, you select the resource type Employee. In the Resource Search Criteria group box, you select an option on the ITAR Required (no multi-select) drop-down list and select three skill codes on the Skills (multi-select, AND) drop-down list. 100% must be divided between one criterion without multi-select and the three skill codes, making the divisor ‘4’. 25% is allotted for the ITAR Required criterion, and each skill code you selected also gets 25%.

If the resource matches the ITAR authorization and only one of the skill codes, it becomes a 50% match.

ID Type This column displays the type of resource that matched the selected criteria.
Note: For employee requisitions, this field displays Employee Req. This will be updated with the actual ID Type once the requisition is filled.
ID This column displays the ID number of the resource. Depending on the Resource Type, this field could display an Employee ID, Vendor ID, or Vendor Employee ID.

For employee requisitions, this field displays the Job Template ID of the requisition. This will be updated with the actual Employee ID once the requisition is filled.

Name This column displays the name of the resource.

For employee requisitions, this field displays the Detail Job Title of the requisition. This will be updated with the actual Employee Name once the requisition is filled.

Manager This column displays the resource’s manager ID that matched an ID you selected on the Manager drop-down list. If you did not select an option, this column is blank.
Home Org This column displays the resource’s organization ID that matched an ID you selected on the Organization drop-down list. If you did not select an option, this column is blank.
GLC This column displays the resource’s GLC code that matched a code you selected on the General Labor Code drop-down list. If you did not select an option, this column is blank.
Credentials This column displays the resource’s degree codes that matched the degree codes you selected on the Credentials drop-down list. If you did not select an option, this column is blank.
Location This column displays the resource’s labor location code that matched a code you selected on the Location drop-down list. If you did not select an option, this column is blank.
Skills This column displays the resource’s skill codes that matched the skill codes you selected on the Skills drop-down list. If you did not select an option, this column is blank.
Clearance This column displays the security clearance level of the resource. This must be equal or higher than the option you selected on the Clearance drop-down list. If you did not select an option, this column is blank.
ITAR This column displays the ITAR authorization of the resource that matched the authorization type you selected on the ITAR Required drop-down list. If you selected None, this column is blank.
US Citizen This column indicates if the resource is a US citizen. If you selected –None- on the US Citizenship Required? drop-down list, this column is blank.
Socioeconomic Status If the resource is a vendor, this column displays the business classification that matched an option you selected on the Socioeconomic Status drop-down list. If you did not select an option, this column is blank.
NAICS If the resource is a vendor, this column displays the vendor’s NAICS codes that matched the codes you selected on the NAICS drop-down list. If you did not select an option, this column is blank.
NAICS Effective Date This column displays the effective date of a NAICS code.
Field Description
Add Resources

Click Add Resources to add the resources that you selected to the Selected Resources table on the primary screen.


Click Clear to empty the table of the current result set.

Auto Load Employee Req

Click Auto Load Employee Req to display all employee requisitions created for a new business budget.

Employee Requisition Subtask

If none of the current employee records in Costpoint match the search criteria you entered, use the Employee Requisition subtask to create a request to hire new employees that match your required qualifications.