Analysis by Period Subtask

The Analysis by Period subtask displays project information regarding revenue, cost, and profit.

It also displays fully burdened costs by resource sorted by overhead pool, as well as revenue information.

The following information displays in the Analysis by Period subtask.

Column Headings Description
Description This column displays the cost description.
Acct ID This column displays the labor account ID of the resource.
Org ID This column displays the Organization ID of the resource.
GLC/PLC This column displays Project Labor Category or General Labor Category of the resource.
Hrly Rate This column displays inception-to-date hour totals since the start of the project/task ID over time.
Total This column displays costs of unposted timesheets and the yet unfulfilled open purchase order amounts.
Yellow Rows The bottom of the report, following the cost category details, displays the following expense and revenue information:
  • Total Expense
  • Profit
  • Profit % on Cost
  • Profit % on Revenue