PO Detail Subtask

Use this non-editable subtask of the Vouchers subtask to view information, such as discrepancy amount and ordered quantity, for non-Accounts Payable vouchers.

This subtask is not available for accounts payable vouchers.


Field Description
Chk No

This field displays the check number.

Chk Date

This field displays the check date.

Check Amount

This field displays the check amount.

Pay Curr

This field displays the currency code for your pay currency. This is the currency used for payment of this voucher.


This field displays the number of the highlighted voucher.


This field displays the vendor's name.

Trans Curr

This field displays the currency code for your transaction currency. This is the currency in which the vendor's invoice was written.

Cost Amt

This field displays the cost amount, expressed in the transaction currency of the voucher.

Remaining Bal

This field displays the remaining balance, expressed in the transaction currency of the voucher.

Table Window

The fields in the table window default from the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

Field Description
Voucher Line

This field displays the voucher line number for the purchase order voucher.

PO Line

This field displays the purchase order line number.


This field displays the item number entered on the purchase order line.

Item Rev

This field displays the item revision.


This field displays the item description of the purchase order line.

Match Type

The matching type was determined when the purchase order line was added, based on the type of item ordered. On the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen, each type of item (Goods, Services, Misc, Parts) is assigned a match type:

  • 2: Indicates that there will be two-way matching between the purchase order quantity and the invoice quantity.
  • 3: Indicates that there will be three-way matching between the purchase order quantity, the accepted quantity, and the invoice quantity.

    For miscellaneous purchase order lines, you can change the match type at the purchase order line.

Match Option

The match option was determined when the purchase order line was added, based on the type of item ordered. On the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen, each type of item (Goods, Services, Misc, Parts) is assigned a match option:

  • INDIV (Individual): Indicates that the invoice quantities will be matched against individual receipt accepted quantities.
  • TOTAL (Total): Indicates that the invoice quantities will be matched against the total purchase order line accepted quantity.
Discrepancy Amount

This field displays the discrepancy amount for this voucher line.

Ordered Amount

The amount in this field comes from the Ext Cost amount entered on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Vouchered Amount

This field displays the amount of the purchase order that was vouchered.

Posted Amount

This field displays the posted amount.

Line Charge Cost Amount

This field displays the amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line, through the Line Charges subtask.


This field displays the type of tax:

  • S — Sales/VAT Taxable: The item is taxable and the vendor has charged sales tax or Value Added Tax (VAT) on the invoice. For sales/VAT tax, your company pays the tax to the vendor, who then remits it to the state or province.
  • U — Use/Reverse Taxable: The item is subject to tax but the vendor did not charge sales tax on the invoice. For use/reverse tax, your company pays the tax directly to the state or province. Costpoint calculates the use/reverse tax applicable to the line item by multiplying the Cost Amount by the tax rate associated with the tax code entered. The Use or Reverse Tax Amount is posted as an accrual when you post the Voucher Distribution Journal to the general ledger
  • N — Non-Taxable: The voucher line is non-taxable.
Sales Tax Code

This field displays the sales tax code associated with the voucher line.

Sales/VAT Tax Amount

This field displays the sales tax amount or Value Added Tax (VAT) amount, based on the sales tax code entered on the line.

Use/Reverse Tax Amount

This field displays the use/reverse tax amount based on the sales tax code entered on the line.

Line Charge Sales/VAT Tax Amt

This field displays the line charge sales tax or Value Added Tax (VAT) amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line.

Line Charge Use/Reverse Tax Amt

This field displays the use or reverse tax amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line.

Accepted Amount

This field displays the total accepted amount for this purchase order line.

Rejected Amount - Pay

This field displays the total rejected amount to pay for this purchase order line.

Rejected Amount - Replace

This field displays the total rejected amount to be replaced for this purchase order line.

Rejected Amount - Credit

This field displays the total rejected amount to be credited for this purchase order line.

PO Line Charge Amount

This field displays the purchase order line charge amount.

PO Unit Price

This amount in this field comes from the Net Unit Cost field on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Invoice Unit Price

This field displays the invoice unit price.

Unit Price Discr Amt

This field displays the unit price discrepancy amount.

Unit Price Discr

This field displays the unit price discrepancy.

Discrepancy Quantity

This field displays the discrepancy quantity. This is the difference between the vouchered quantity and the quantity on the purchase order.


This field displays the discrepancy.

Ordered Quantity

This field displays the ordered quantity.

Vouchered Quantity

This field displays the ordered quantity on the purchase order that was vouchered.

Posted Quantity

This field displays the posted quantity.

Accepted Quantity

This field displays the accepted quantity from the associated purchase order line.

Rejected Quantity - Pay

This field displays the rejected quantity to pay for this purchase order line.

Rejected Quantity - Replace

This field displays the rejected quantity to be replaced for this purchase order line.

Rejected Quantity - Credit

This field displays the rejected quantity to be credited for this purchase order line.