
Use the prompts to set parameters for the Accounts Payable Aging report.


Field Description
Company Select a company.
Subperiod End Date Select the ending subperiod of the vouchers to include in the report.
Primary Group Select the field to group data by in the report.
Account Level Specify the top level of the account structure that you want included on this report. For example, if your account structure has three levels and you want to see vouchers for only the third level, enter 3. The report then includes only those vouchers charged to the third level of the account or below. To see vouchers for all levels, enter 1. The report includes vouchers that were charged to all three levels of the account.
Organization Level Specify the top level of the organization structure that you want to see included on this report. For example, if your organization structure has five levels and you want to see vouchers for only the fifth level, enter 5. The report includes only those vouchers charged to the fifth level of the organization or below. To see vouchers for all levels, enter 1. The report includes vouchers that were charged to all five levels of the organization.
As of Date Enter the date to print at the top of the report. This date should coincide with the periods you include in this report. BI does not use this date to select vouchers to be included in this report.
Exclude Pay When Paid? Choose whether to exclude Pay-When-Paid (PWP) vouchers from the report.
Include Unrealized Gain/Loss? Choose whether to include unrealized gains and losses on the report to track the open Accounts Payable totals back to the accounts payable balance sheet account.

Aging Bucket Configuration

Use these fields to specify how the report ages the outstanding vouchers. The aging ranges are printed as column headings in the report. These columns will contain the vouchers that fall within the rage of days past due that you specify in these fields. The column headings are independent of the voucher aging, so be sure that they correspond to what is actually reflected in the columns.

Field Description
Column 1 aging range Enter the beginning and ending numbers of the range of days to include in this column. After you enter the number range, click Set Range to set the beginning number for the next column.
Column 2 aging range Costpoint calculates the beginning number of the range by adding one to the value in the previous column's To field. The beginning number is non-editable.
In the To field, enter the ending number of the range to print above the second aging column of the report.
Click Set Range to adjust the beginning aging range for column 3.
Column 3 aging range Costpoint calculates the beginning number of the range by adding one to the value in the previous column's To field. The beginning number is non-editable.
Click Set Range to adjust the beginning aging range for column 3.
Column 4 aging range Costpoint calculates the beginning number of the range by adding one to the value in the previous column's To field. Any vouchers past due beyond the number of days in this field are included in this column.
Limit Account(s) Optionally, limit the report to selected accounts.

To search with Keywords, enter one or more characters that will help retrieve the item(s) you want to select for the report.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.

Limit Organization(s) Otptionally, limit the report to selected organizations.

To search with Keywords, enter one or more characters that will help retrieve the item(s) you want to select for the report.

To narrow the search, select an option in the Starts with any of these keywords field. If you search by name, use one of the Contains... options, rather than the Starts with... options. If applicable, click the right-arrow to move your selected results to Choices.