Revenue Setup/Ceiling Subtask

Use this screen to enter a specific revenue amount for fixed price contracts, manage fixed price revenue and make revenue adjustments for project budgets.


Field Description
Revenue Formula

This field displays the formula used to get the revenue.

Revenue Formula Level Project ID

This field displays the level project ID used for the revenue formula.

Use Fixed Revenue as Total Revenue

Select this check box if you want to use Fixed Revenue as the Total Revenue.

Override Revenue Adjustments from Accounting System

Select this check box if you want to override the revenue adjustments in the projects being budgeted.

When this checkbox is not selected, the information is read-only.


Click the Revenue Setup, Revenue Ceilings, and Revenue Analysis subtasks links to display the lower level details of information.

Funding Table Details

If funding has been distributed to the project/task ID, then it is compared to the total cost of the project budget.

The following funding information displays:

  • Revenue: Funded, Budget, Unspecified
  • Cost: Funded, Budget, Unspecified
  • Profit: Funded, Percent, Budget, Percent