Dashparts of the Supplier Portal Dashboard

Use the dashparts to view purchase orders (POs) that require actions, as well as upcoming, late, or cancelled orders. You can also click the hyperlinks to access drill-through applications and view particular PO/PO line/delivery schedule line.


Field Description
Approved Invoices Payment Status

This dashpart is automatically populated with bars that indicate the payment status of invoices/vouchers. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Invoices screen and access the corresponding invoices.

The new dashpart shows all approved (approved by the payer/supplier) vouchers that are not yet paid (unpaid), have partial payment (partially paid) or fully paid (paid).

Use the hyperlink to go to the particular invoice(s)/voucher(s) on the Manage Invoices screen to take necessary action and/or to enter notes.

“Display Paid Invoices from the Last No. of Days” is used to filter and compute the number of PO vouchers/invoices to be displayed under the “Paid” bar graph.

The dashpart only includes invoices for purchase orders with a buyer’s organization ID (PO_HDR.BUY_ORG_ID) for which the user is authorized, based on the organization security profile linked to the organization security group associated with the user ID.

Note: The new dashpart is added in Costpoint 8.2.12. If you are in Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. See the Manage Opt-In Features topic for more information.
  • Unpaid: This bar indicates the number of PO invoices, across multiple POs, with posted invoices/vouchers that have been approved and/or posted, but not yet paid. Click the hyperlink bar to access the corresponding invoices in Manage Invoices.
  • Paid: This bar indicates the number of PO invoices, across multiple POs, that are fully paid. Click the hyperlink bar to access the corresponding invoices in Manage Invoices.
  • Partially Paid: This bar indicates the number of PO invoices, across multiple POs, with posted vouchers and posted checks. Click the hyperlink bar to access the corresponding invoices in Manage Invoices.
  • Display Paid Invoices from the Last No. of Days: Enter the number of days that determines the paid vouchers to display on the Paid bar of the dashboard. Initial value is 90.
Pending Supplier Action (across Purchase Orders)

This dashpart has bars that indicate the number of PO lines (across multiple POs) in states that need supplier action. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Supplier Actions (SPMSPACT) screen where the corresponding PO/PO lines are loaded. You should be able to select whether to display or hide any of the bars on the dashpart.

  • New Orders: If you click the New Orders bar on the Supplier Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Supplier Actions screen. If the PO line has a delivery schedule, Costpoint loads multiple lines for each PO line, along with quantities and due dates from the delivery schedule. Fields are non-editable except for the following conditional fields: New Action, Proposed Order Qty, Proposed Amt, Proposed Due Date, and Notes. Changes to any of the editable fields are automatically reflected on the Action History table upon save. In addition, if a delivery schedule exists, the New Action changes will apply to the delivery schedule line instead of the PO line. If a delivery schedule does not exist, then the New Action changes will apply to the PO line.
  • Change Requests: If you click the Change Requests bar on the Supplier Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Supplier Actions screen. If the PO line has a delivery schedule, Costpoint loads multiple lines for each PO line, along with quantities and due dates from the delivery schedule. Fields are non-editable except for the following conditional fields: New Action, Proposed Order Qty, Proposed Amt, Proposed Due Date, and Notes. Changes to any of the editable fields are automatically reflected on the Action History table upon save. In addition, if a delivery schedule exists, the New Action changes will apply to the delivery schedule line instead of the PO line. If delivery schedule does not exist, then the New Action changes will apply to the PO line.
  • Change Request Rejected: If you click the Change Request Rejected bar on the Supplier Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Supplier Actions screen. If the PO line has a delivery schedule, Costpoint loads multiple lines for each PO line, along with quantities and due dates from the delivery schedule. Fields are non-editable except for the following conditional fields: New Action, Proposed Order Qty, Proposed Amt, Proposed Due Date, and Notes. Changes to any of the editable fields are automatically reflected on the Action History table upon save. In addition, if a delivery schedule exists, the New Action changes will apply to the delivery schedule line instead of the PO line. If delivery schedule does not exist, then the New Action changes will apply to the PO line.
  • Cancel Request: If you click the Cancel Request bar on the Supplier Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Supplier Actions screen. If the PO line has a delivery schedule, Costpoint loads multiple lines for each PO line, along with quantities and due dates from the delivery schedule. Fields are non-editable except for the following conditional fields: New Action, Proposed Order Qty, Proposed Amt, Proposed Due Date, and Notes. Changes to any of the editable fields are automatically reflected on the Action History table upon save. In addition, if a delivery schedule exists, the New Action changes will apply to the delivery schedule line instead of the PO line. If delivery schedule does not exist, then the New Action changes will apply to the PO line.
  • Cancel Request Rejected: If you click the Cancel Request Rejected bar on the Supplier Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads all PO lines or delivery schedule lines that meet the set conditions on the Manage Supplier Actions screen. If the PO line has a delivery schedule, Costpoint loads multiple lines for each PO line, along with quantities and due dates from the delivery schedule. Fields are non-editable except for the following conditional fields: New Action, Proposed Order Qty, Proposed Amt, Proposed Due Date, and Notes. Changes to any of the editable fields are automatically reflected on the Action History table upon save. In addition, if a delivery schedule exists, the New Action changes will apply to the delivery schedule line instead of the PO line. If delivery schedule does not exist, then the New Action changes will apply to the PO line.
Past Due Deliveries

This dashpart has bars that indicate the number of days that the supplier is late in fulfilling the PO line order. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Supplier Actions screen, where the corresponding PO/PO lines are loaded. By default, the ranges for this dashpart have been set to increments of 10 (Ex. 10, 20, and 30, respectively, for ranges 1-3). You can set the ranges by clicking Parameters from the breadcrumb trail (Materials > Supplier Portal > Dashboards/Actions > Supplier Portal Dashboard > Parameters > Reports) and define up to 10 ranges for this dashpart. Costpoint will only display those that have been defined, and you have an option to hide this dashpart. Blanket POs and Subcontractor Agreement Blanket PO types are excluded in this dashpart.

Upcoming Deliveries

This dashpart has bars that indicate deliveries that are upcoming, so that the supplier can take the necessary actions to ensure on time delivery. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Supplier Actions screen, where the corresponding PO/PO lines are loaded. By default, the ranges for this dashpart have been set to increments of 5, 10, and 20, respectively, for ranges 1-3. You can set the ranges by clicking Parameters from the breadcrumb trail (Materials > Supplier Portal > Dashboards/Actions > Supplier Portal Dashboard > Parameters > Reports) and define up to 10 ranges for this dashpart. Costpoint will only display those that have been defined, and you have an option to hide this dashpart. Blanket POs and Subcontractor Agreement Blanket PO types are excluded in this dashpart.

Pending Invoices/Vouchers

This dashpart is automatically populated with bars that indicate the status of invoices/vouchers. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Invoices screen and load the corresponding invoice/voucher.

  • Pending Approval by Supplier: If you click the Pending Approval by Supplier on the Supplier Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads the PO invoices with unapproved supplier approval action.
  • Pending Approval by Payer: If you click the Pending Approval by Payer on the Supplier Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads the PO invoices with unapproved payer approval action.
  • Pending A/P Approval: If you click the Pending A/P Approval on the Supplier Portal dashboard, Costpoint loads the PO invoices that have been approved by both the payer and the supplier, and is now a voucher, but these are not yet approved by the payer’s Accounts Payable department, possibly because the invoice exceeds discrepancy limits (as set up in PO Voucher Settings).
Pending Supplier Action (by Purchase Order)

This dashpart displays a list of PO types that have at least one (1) PO line or delivery schedule line with pending supplier action. PO types with an asterisk signifies that this PO type is a blanket type. Click the PO hyperlink to go to the Manage Supplier Actions screen, where the corresponding PO/PO lines are loaded for the selected PO. This dashpart displays the PO, Rlse, PO Type, Buyer, PO Total Amt, and Curr.

Open Purchase Orders

This dashpart displays a list of POs that have at least one open PO line, regardless of the Last Action value. Click the PO hyperlink to go to the Manage Supplier Actions screen, where the corresponding PO/PO lines are loaded for the selected PO. Blanket POs and Subcontractor Agreement Blanket PO types are excluded in this dashpart. This dashpart displays the PO, Rlse, Buyer, PO Total Amt, and Curr.

Purchase Order Invoices/Vouchers

This dashpart displays a list of invoices that are not fully approved (invoice is submitted for approval by either payer or supplier, but is pending approval by either party), and unposted approved invoices that are pending approval by the payers Accounts payable (A/P) department. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Invoices screen and load the corresponding invoice/voucher.

Pending Supplier Action (by Request for Quotes)

This dashpart displays all request for quotes (RFQ) that have at least one (1) RFQ line with pending supplier action, and with Vendor ID that matches the vendor ID on the company that the user is logged into. Click the RFQ hyperlink to open the Manage Vendor Quotes screen with the corresponding RFQ details.