
This section shows the actions available in the Job Accrual Plans workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Create Plan When you select this action, the job accrual plan is created in the sub-tab on the basis of the information specified in the island Create Plan in the main tab. If a date has been specified in the field “Starting Date,” the accruals will be distributed proportionally on the partially or completely covered G/L periods. If you have only specified a number of accruals in the field “Number of Accruals” and a starting period in the field “Starting Period,” Maconomy distributes the quantity to be accrued on G/L periods on the basis of the starting period specified. If you have marked the field “Equal-Sized Accruals,” all periods included in the plan will be considered to be of equal length. See the description of the field “Equal-Sized Accruals” for further information about the functionality of that field.

If lines already exist in the sub-tab when you choose this action, those lines are not marked as valid. Note that if the creation of a plan gives rise to a rounding difference in the amounts, this difference will automatically be adjusted by Maconomy on the last line in the sub-tab.

The following fields are part of the Create Plan wizard:

  • Date — This field has two columns: “Start” and “End.” In the “Start” column, you can enter a starting date. In the ”End” column, you can enter an ending date. This range defines the exact date range for the current accrual plan. When you enter a date range, the “Start” and “End” columns of the field “Period” will be filled in with the G/L periods covering the date range specified in these fields. On the basis of the date range specified in these fields, Maconomy calculates the amounts to be distributed in the plan. Note that if you specify an exact starting and ending date for the plan, the G/L periods which might be completely covered by the defined time span will be allocated a higher quantity than any partially covered periods at the start and end of the defined time span. This applies whether or not you have marked the field “Equal-Sized Accruals.”

    If you have not marked the field “Equal-Sized Accruals” in this island, and you specify a date range of, for example, 01/08/02 to 30/11/02, in which you wish to allocate an amount of USD 100, an amount proportional to the total number of days in the period will be allocated to the four G/L periods in question. This means that longer periods (for example, August 31/365) are allocated a greater accrual amount than shorter periods (for example, September 30/365).

    If you have marked the field “Equal-Sized Accruals,” all periods created using the action “Create Plan” will be considered of equal length. Using the above example, the amount of USD 100 will hence be allocated with USD 25 to each of the four G/L periods covered by the date range 01/08/02 to 30/11/02.

    If you do not enter an ending date in this field, you can enter a number in the field “Number of Accruals” below to make Maconomy calculate an ending date.

  • Period — This field determines which G/L periods cover the accrual calculations created when selecting the action “Create Plan.” The field has two columns: “Start” and “End.” In the “Start” column, you can enter a starting period. In the “End” column, you can enter an ending period. The fields are automatically filled in if you have entered a date range in the field “Date” above. If you choose to enter starting and ending periods instead of starting and ending dates, Maconomy will attempt to guess the fiscal year in the field “Fiscal Year” below, but you should check if Maconomy guessed correctly. For instance, if the current year is 2003, and you enter “9” and “2” in the “Start” and “End” columns, respectively, then Maconomy assumes you mean period 9 of fiscal year “01-01-2003” and period 2 of fiscal year “01-01-2004.” See the description of the field “Date” above and the field “Fiscal Year” below for further information about the functionality of this field.

    If you do not enter an ending period in this field, you can enter a number in the field “Number of Accruals” below to make Maconomy calculate an ending period.

  • Fiscal Year — This field has two columns: “Start” and “End.” In the “Start” column, you can enter a starting fiscal year. In the “End” column, you can enter an ending fiscal year. The fields are automatically filled in if you have entered a date range in the field “Date” above or a range of G/L periods in the field “Period” above. See the description of the fields “Date” and “Period” above for further information about the functionality of this field.
  • Number of Accruals — In this field, you can enter the number of accruals to be created on the basis of the current purchase order line. Using the value in this field and the date or period entered in the “Start” column of one of the fields “Date” and /or “Period,” Maconomy determines the month/date on which the last accrual should be made as one accrual is made per G/L period starting with the G/L period covered by the date specified in the field “Date.”

    Note that you cannot enter a number in this field if you have specified both a starting date/period and an ending date/period in this island. See the description of the below field “Equal-Sized Accruals” for information about the consequences of marking/not marking that field.

  • Equal-Sized Accruals — If you mark this field, all periods created using the action “Create Plan” will be considered being of equal length, and an even quantity is hence distributed to the relevant periods displayed in the sub-tab. Whether or not this field is automatically marked by Maconomy is determined by the marking of the system parameter “Equal-sized accruals in accrual plans.” However, the field can always be manually marked or unmarked. If this field is marked, and if you have specified exact starting and ending dates which do not cover entire G/L periods, those G/L periods which are completely covered by the defined time span will be allocated a higher quantity than the partly covered periods, if any, at the start and end of the defined time span.

    If you do not mark this field, that is, if you want to make variable-sized accruals, Maconomy will distribute an amount to each relevant period which is proportional to the number of days in the entire period specified in the date or period fields in this island. See the description of the field “Date” for further information about the functionality of this field.

  • Total Quantity — In this field, you can enter the number of units of the ordered service for which you want to create job accrual suggestions.
  • Total Amount, Currency — In this field, you can enter the amount for which you want to create job accrual proposals. The amount is entered in the currency of the purchase order line.
  • Total Amount, Base — The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Total Amount, Currency,” only the amount is entered in the company’s base currency. For more information about currency conversion in the Job Cost module, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”
  • Description — In this field, you can enter a description. When you select the action “Create Plan,” the text is transferred to each line in the sub-tab. The text from the current purchase order line is shown by default.
Approve Plan When you select this action, the job accrual plan shown in the sub-tab is approved, and you can no longer edit the fields in the plan. The island Status in the main tab is updated with information about the person who approved the plan and the date of the approval. Moreover, the field “Accrual Plan Approved” is marked in the Job Accruals and Batch Job Accrual windows sub-tabs.

You can only approve a job accrual plan comprising everything purchased on the line. This means that at least one of the amount fields in the island Balance Sheet must be “0.” Maconomy will issue a warning if the plan contains rounding differences that must be allocated before the plan can be approved.

Only approved job accrual plans can be transferred for accrual in the windows Job Accruals and Batch Job Accrual.

Reopen Plan When you select this action, the accrual plan in the sub-tab is reopened, and it can then be edited. When you reopen an accrual plan, it is no longer considered approved. The field “Reopened” in the island Status in the main tab is also marked.