Inventory Changes Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Inventory Changes Tab.

Transaction Island

Field Description
Trans. No. This is the transaction number. It is automatically assigned as the next available number in the transaction number series. You cannot change the number here, but you can determine how numbers are assigned in the window Number Series in the Set-Up module.
Trans. Type This is the transaction type of the movement voucher. If the field is left empty, Maconomy will set it to the default transaction type in the Item journal (for the specific company and user.)
Created by This is the name of the user who created the transaction. The name cannot be changed. If the transaction was created automatically from a registration such as a sales order, item purchase order or production, this field shows the name of the user who selected the action that caused the creation of the transaction. For further information on the actions that can cause the creation of a transaction, see the introduction to this window.
Date This is the date the transaction was created. This is not necessarily the entry date, which is the date of the inventory change. The date cannot be changed.
Approved This field shows whether the transaction is approved. Transactions are approved using the action “Approve Transaction.” However, a transaction created as a result of a registration such as a sales order, item purchase order or production is approved automatically when certain actions are selected. For further information about the actions that can cause the approval of a transaction, see the introduction to this window. The mark cannot be removed.
Approved by This is the name of the user who approved the transaction. The name cannot be changed. If the transaction was approved automatically from a registration such as a sales order, item purchase order or production, this field shows the name of the user who selected the action that caused the approval of the transaction. For further information about the actions that can cause the approval of a transaction, see the introduction to this window.
Date This is the date on which the transaction was approved. The date cannot be changed.

Rates Island

Field Description
Cost Total This is the sum of the costs specified on the item lines in the transaction, shown in the currency of the transaction (shown in the field “Currency” below). The value cannot be changed. Maconomy uses it to calculate transaction expenses, if you enter a figure in the “Cost, %” field.
Hereof Duty This field shows the total duty applying to the items in the table part, specified in the currency of the transaction (shown in the field “Currency” below). The duty is calculated according to the individual duty codes specified on the information cards of the items.
Expenses Here you enter an expense amount, such as vendor charges for a delivery recorded manually in this window. The amount should be specified in the currency of the transaction (shown in the field “Currency” below). A value can only be entered for transactions of the type “Receipt.”

If the expense is added as a percentage, Maconomy calculates the expense amount from the values in the “Cost Sum” and “Expenses in %” fields.

Expenses are apportioned to the item lines in the transaction, to ensure that the items are assessed at correct costs in the warehouse. The value in this field applies independently of any value in the corresponding fields in the Sales Orders and Item Purchase modules. You cannot enter data in both this field and the “Expenses in %” field.

Cost, % Here you enter an expense percentage, for example, a vendor charge in the currency of the transaction (shown in the field “Currency” below). Maconomy calculates the expense amount from the value here and the value in the field “Cost Sum.” A value can only be entered for transactions of the type “Receipt.”

Expenses are apportioned to the item lines in the transaction, to ensure that the items are assessed at correct costs in the warehouse. The value in this field applies independently of any value in the corresponding fields in the Sales Orders and Item Purchase modules. You cannot enter data in both this field and the “Expenses” field.

Currency This field shows the currency of the transaction. For manually created transactions, you can specify the desired currency at creation. For transactions relating to purchase orders and item purchase orders, this currency derives from the currency of the purchase order. For all other transactions, the currency is the base currency of the company to which the transaction belongs.
Total Cost, Base This is the sum of the costs specified on the item lines in the transaction, shown in the base currency of the company responsible for the transaction.
Hereof Duty, Base This field shows the total duty applying to the items in the table part, shown in the base currency of the company responsible for the transaction. The duty is calculated according to the individual duty codes specified on the information cards of the items.

Sales Island

Field Description
Order No. If the current transaction was created as a result of a sales order in the Sales Orders module, this field shows the number of the sales order in question.
Packing Slip No. If the current transaction was created as a result of a sales order in the Sales Orders module, this field shows the number of the packing slip created when the items were shipped. If the items on the order have not yet been shipped, this field shows a zero. If the order has partial delivery and items are delivered in separate shipments, an inventory change transaction is created for each shipment, and on each of these transactions, this field shows the packing slip number related to the shipment in question.
Invoice No. If the current transaction was created as a result of a manual invoice or credit memo in the Sales Order module, this field shows the Invoice No./Credit Memo No.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks 1-5 In these fields, you can specify a number of remarks about the current transaction.

Changes Island

Field Description
Type Here you enter the type of change that applies to the transaction as a whole. Select between the following six types in the pop-up field:
  • Receipt — is used to manually enter item receipts, instead of using the Item Purchase module. It is also used to establish your company’s opening inventory balance when you set up Maconomy.
  • Shipment — is used to record extraordinary warehouse withdrawals, not related to sales or miscellaneous losses.
  • Transfer — is used to transfer items from one warehouse to another. For example, a temporary exhibition warehouse may be established, in which case you transfer items from the main warehouse and back again using this facility.
  • Inventory Count — is used to record an inventory count. You record the variance (positive or negative) and not the actual inventory value. You must suspend order handling while the inventory is being counted, but it can resume before the count is recorded here.
  • Cost Adjustment” is used to adjust costs, such as when cost variances occur upon receipt of items in the Item Purchase module.

    If items are delivered unaccompanied by an invoice, the items are recorded according to your estimated costs. If the invoice quotes a different value, you need to adjust your costs.

  • Misc. Losses — is used to record miscellaneous losses in the warehouse. These losses are recorded as a positive quantity of units. Maconomy then removes them from the warehouse.

The windows Inventory Count Listing, Inventory Count and Approve Count also relate to inventory counts and the associated entries.

Depending on the type of movement being recorded, you must enter data in various other fields in the window. The procedures are described in the fields below.

On transactions created automatically from registrations such as sales orders, item purchase orders or production transactions, the transaction type is selected automatically, depending on the type of registration in question. For further information on the transaction type resulting from different registration types, see the introduction to this window.

Transaction Mode In this field, you can select a transaction mode for further specification of the item movement, for example, the reason for the transaction of items. The options are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
From Warehouse Here you select from which warehouse the items are moved. The field is used for the following types of movement: “Shipment,” “Transfer,” “Inventory Count” and “Misc. Losses.” Inventory count variances are recorded to the warehouse in this pop-up field, regardless of whether you specify a negative or a positive figure.

If the change type is “Transfer,” and the field “To warehouse” contains a warehouse which is assigned to a different company than the warehouse in the field “From warehouse,” intercompany entries are created when the inventory journal is posted. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company. The inventory journal is created when the inventory transaction is approved. The intercompany entries are posted on the accounts assigned to the intercompany transaction type “Inventory Journal” which are entered by means of dimension combinations in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module. For each intercompany entry, the responsible company will be the one defined in the field “From Warehouse.”

Warehouses are created and assigned to a company in the window Warehouse Information Card.

Shipment Loc. In this field, you can specify the location in the current warehouse from which the items are to be shipped. The field can only be completed for transactions of the types “Shipment,” “Transfer,” “Inventory Count,” and “Misc. Losses.” This location will apply to those lines in the table part where the source location field is left blank. If a source location is specified on a given line, it overrules any location specified in this field.
To Warehouse Here you select to which warehouse the items are moved. The field is used for the following types of movement: “Receipt,” “Transfer” and “Cost Adjustment.”

If the change type is “Transfer,” and the field “From warehouse” contains a warehouse which is assigned to a different company than the warehouse in the field “To warehouse,” intercompany entries are created when the inventory journal is posted. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company. The inventory journal is created when the inventory transaction is approved. The intercompany entries are posted on the accounts assigned to the intercompany transaction type “Inventory Journal” entered by means of dimension combinations in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module. For each intercompany entry, the responsible company will be the one defined in the field “To Warehouse.”

Warehouses are created and assigned to a company in the window Warehouse Information Card.

Receipt Loc. In this field, you can specify the location in the current warehouse at which the items are to be received. The field can only be completed for transactions of the types “Receipt” and “Transfer.” This location will apply to those lines in the table part where the target location field is left blank. If a target location is specified on a given line, it overrules any location specified in this field.
Entry Date In this field, you can specify an entry date to be used on the G/L and item entries created when the transaction is approved. If you do not specify a date, Maconomy uses today’s date as the entry date.
Entry Description Here you enter a descriptive entry text. For example: “Discarded” or “Transfer from main warehouse to exhibition warehouse.” Entry text is specified for all types of inventory changes, and there is no limit to how many characters you can type here.

If you do not enter a text, Maconomy allocates a standard entry text from the window Posting Descriptions in the G/L module.

Purchase Orders Island

Field Description
Vendor Here you enter a vendor number if the movement is a “Receipt,” and if the shipment is a vendor’s delivery. Maconomy verifies that the vendor has not been blocked, that is, that the field “Blocked” has not been completed on the information card of the vendor in question. If the current transaction was created automatically as a result of an item receipt in the Item Purchase module, this field shows the number of the vendor who delivered the items.
Requisition Here you enter a Requisition No.
Purch. Order No. Here you enter the vendor’s packing slip number, invoice number or other reference. For transactions created automatically as a result of a receipt registered in the window Purchase Receipt in the A/P module, the field shows the number of the purchase order to which the receipt pertains. For all other transactions, the field is purely for reference on the item transaction printout.
Auto. Trans. No. This field shows whether the item transaction was created from another type of registration such as a sales order, item purchase order or the approval of an inventory count list. You cannot change the field value. For further information on the automatic creation and maintenance of transactions as a result of registrations in other modules, see the introduction to this window.
Item Purchase Order No. If the current transaction was created as a result of an item receipt in the Item Purchase module, this field shows the number of the item purchase order to which the item receipt pertains.
Packing Slip No. If the current transaction was created as a result of an item receipt in the Item Purchase module, this field shows the number of the packing slip, entered in the window Item Receipt before the receipt was approved.
List No. If the current transaction was created as a result of an inventory count, this field shows the number of the count list in question.

Production Island

Field Description
Trans. No. If the current transaction was created as a result of a BOM production, this field shows the number of the production transaction in question.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the current inventory transaction. If you do not enter a value, Maconomy will try to derive a value in accordance with the order of priority which is defined in the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module. If no value can be derived from this window, the standard value is copied from the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.