Inventory Change Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to enter manual changes to the inventory and inventory value of warehouses.

The Inventory Changes tab displays general information about an inventory change transaction. The Items sub-tab displays the actual inventory changes.

You can enter the receipts of and shipments from a warehouse as well as transfers between warehouses. To allow backorder allocation when receiving or transferring, use the backorder method By Reservation, and provide a value for the Aut. Back Order Allocation field in the System Information workspace.

You also use this workspace when you enter miscellaneous losses and manual cost price adjustments. You can also enter the changes in stock as a result of an inventory count. However, you normally use the Inventory Count workspace in connection with inventory counts.

When you make changes to items that have serial number control, you can enter the serial numbers that the inventory change affects in the Serial Number Movement workspace. The setup of each item indicates whether this entry of serial numbers at receipt or shipping, respectively, is mandatory or optional. Serial numbers that you provide on entries that cause the automatic creation of inventory changes automatically flow to the inventory change, so that you do not need to enter serial numbers for automatically created transactions.

In the Items sub-tab, Maconomy converts item prices into the base currency of the company of the transaction if the cost is retrieved from the item information card or if a FIFO transaction is in question, and the cost price is retrieved from a warehouse that is assigned to another company than the one specified in the Company island in the Inventory Changes tab.

After you enter all of the inventory changes in a transaction, use the Approve Transaction action to approve it. Maconomy then updates inventories and costs. The item transaction is automatically printed, and Maconomy generates an item journal for posting in the G/L module. Transactions that Maconomy creates automatically from registrations in other modules are automatically approved as part of the entry process; you cannot approve these transactions manually. You can browse through both approved and non-approved transactions.

If you have Maconomy Bill of Materials, you can enter BOM inventory changes here. This requires that the BOM has inventory control, indicated in the Inventory Control field in the Bill of Materials Information Card. A BOM inventory change does not affect the inventory values of the individual BOM parts.

Documentation through Inventory Change Transactions

In addition to making manual movement entries, you also use this workspace to document the item movements that happen as a result of sales, crediting, purchases, and production in other modules. This documentation consists of a number of automatically created and approved inventory change transactions with information from, for example, the sales order or item purchase order that caused the inventory change. The main purpose of these inventory change transactions is documentation. Maconomy maintains the transactions in the background, meaning that although you can use them for reporting purposes, you do not need to include them in your processes. You can view automatically created inventory change transactions in this workspace; they have the exact same functionality as manually created transactions, but you cannot change the information here. This section describes how all changes in stock and stock value are documented by means of inventory change transactions.

Transactions Created from Sales and Crediting

When you create a warehouse transaction for a sales order, Maconomy automatically creates an inventory change transaction with information that corresponds to that of the warehouse transaction. The inventory change transaction is of the type Shipment, and you cannot change it manually. Maconomy copies any serial numbers that you entered in the Serial Number Entry workspace before you created the warehouse transaction into the Serial Number Movement workspace. Similarly, when you create a packing list for an order without first creating a warehouse transaction, Maconomy automatically creates an inventory change transaction with information that corresponds to the information on the packing list, copying any specified serial numbers.

When you create a packing slip for the order later in the process-perhaps without being printed, but as part of the process of printing an invoice, as described in the Print Invoice action in the Sales Orders workspace-Maconomy updates the inventory change transaction with the information from the packing slip and approves the transaction.

A similar process takes place when you approve an invoice in the Invoices workspace. Maconomy creates an inventory change transaction with information that corresponds to the invoice and immediately approves the transaction.

If you enter a credit order, Maconomy creates and approves an inventory change transaction when a credit memo is printed from the credit order. Maconomy copies any serial numbers that you enter in the Serial Number Entry workspace before the credit memo was printed into the Serial Number Movement workspace. Similarly, if you create a credit memo in the Credit Orders workspace, Maconomy creates and approves an inventory change transaction when the credit memo is printed. In both cases, the transaction is of the type Receipt and enters the receipt of the quantity that is returned and the cost prices from the sub-tab of the item information card.

Inventory Change Transactions Created from Purchases

To enable you to trace the exact movements and G/L entries that happen as a result of purchases, Maconomy creates an automatic inventory change transaction for each item receipt that you enter in the Item Receipt and Purchase Receipt workspaces. The inventory change transactions are for documentation purposes only; Maconomy maintains them in the background, meaning that although you can use the transactions for reporting purposes, you do not need to include them in your item purchase order processes.

When you approve an item receipt in the Item Receipt and Purchase Receipt workspaces, Maconomy creates an inventory change transaction with information that corresponds to the purchase and immediately approves the transaction. Transactions that you create from item purchase orders and purchase orders are of the type Receipt. Maconomy copies any serial numbers that you enter in the Serial Number Receipt workspace before you approve the item receipt into the Serial Number Movement workspace. Maconomy transfers the cost prices from the purchase order/item purchase order in question.

Inventory Change Transactions Created from Productions

To enable you to trace the exact movements and G/L entries that happen as a result of BOM production, Maconomy creates an automatic inventory change transaction for each production transaction that you enter in the BOM Production workspace. The inventory change transactions are for documentation purposes only. Maconomy maintains them in the background, meaning that although you can use the transactions for reporting purposes, you do not need to include them in your production processes.

When you approve a production transaction in the BOM Production workspace, Maconomy creates an inventory change transaction with information that corresponds to the production transaction and immediately approves the inventory change transaction. Transactions created from production transactions are of the type Receipt. Maconomy either calculates or retrieves the cost prices from the BOM information card, depending on whether you select the From Raw Materials field for the production in question. For more information about the cost prices on productions, see the description of the From Raw Materials field in the BOM Production workspace.