
This section shows the Actions available in the Inventory Change workspace.

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Field Description
Create Warehouse Transaction When you select this action, Maconomy creates a warehouse transaction for the current inventory change. The action can only be selected for manually created inventory change transactions. For changes of the type “Receipt,” the action cannot be used until the inventory change transaction has been approved. For changes of the type “Shipment,” the action can only be used before the approval of the inventory change transaction.

In the case of receipts, the warehouse transaction acts as a request for moving the received items away from the location at which they were received. In the case of shipments, it acts as a request for moving the items to the location from which they should be shipped, and for transferal, the action is first used for moving items to the shipping location, and after the approval of the inventory change, it can be used again for moving the items away from the receiving location at the target warehouse.

For each item line on the inventory change transaction, the warehouse transaction will contain a corresponding line with similar information. However, items without inventory control are not included on the warehouse transaction.

The locations transferred to the warehouse transaction depend on the type of inventory change transaction. If the change type is “Receipt,” the receiving location applying to each inventory change line is used as the source location on the warehouse transaction lines to indicate that the items should be moved away from the location at which they were received at the ‘To warehouse’. The target location will be blank on the warehouse transaction lines. If the change type is “Shipment,” the shipment location applying to each inventory change line is used as the target location on the warehouse transaction lines to indicate that the items should be moved to the location from which they should be shipped at the ‘From warehouse’. The source location will be blank on the warehouse transaction lines. If the change type is “Transfer” and the inventory change has not yet been approved, the functionality of the action corresponds to that of an inventory change of the type “Shipping.” If you select the action after approving the inventory change, the functionality corresponds to that of an inventory change of the type “Receipt.” This means that you can use the action for moving the items to the shipping location in the ‘From warehouse’, and once the items have been transferred, you can move them away from the receiving location in the ‘To warehouse’ using the same action. It is possible to use the action on transfers both before and after approval.

The quantity on each resulting warehouse transaction line is transferred from the field “Quantity” on the inventory change line. For non-approved transactions of the type “Shipment” or “Transferral,” Maconomy checks if there are closed picking lists assigned to the inventory change transaction. If so, the quantity on each line on the warehouse transaction will be the quantity on the inventory change line less the quantity already reported picked for the inventory change line on closed picking lists. This can, for example, be the case if you have increased the quantity on a line after starting a picking procedure, and therefore need additional units moved to the shipping location. In the case of transfers, the quantities picked when moving items to the shipping location before the items are transferred does not influence the number of units to be moved away from the receiving location at the ‘To warehouse’ after the transfer. For transactions of the type “Receipt” and for approved transfers, this action can only be selected once.

If the item on a line has serial number control and you have entered serial numbers for that line in the window Serial Number Movement before the warehouse transaction is created, the warehouse transaction will contain a line for each combination of serial number and location entered in the serial number movement window. These lines will contain both the serial number and the quantity corresponding to the serial number movements entered. If the total quantity of the serial numbers entered for the line in question is lower than the quantity on the inventory change line itself, the warehouse transaction will also contain a line with a blank serial number line and the quantity that remains to be allocated on serial numbers. This allows you to enter in advance any serial numbers that should be affected by the change, and have the warehouse personnel move exactly those serial numbers, whereas serial numbers on the units to move for which no serial numbers have been specified in advance can be decided upon by the warehouse personnel.

It is only possible to have one open warehouse transaction per inventory change transaction at a time. If you make changes to the inventory change that should be reflected on a warehouse transaction that was already created, you must approve and close the transaction in the window Warehouse Transactions, and create a new one using this action.

In order to create warehouse transactions, you need access to print packing lists. This is given by marking the field “Print Picking and Packing Lists” in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

Print Picking List When you select this action, Maconomy creates a picking list for the current inventory change. The action can only be selected for inventory change transactions created manually. For changes of the type “Receipt,” the action cannot be used until the inventory change transaction has been approved. For changes of the type “Shipment,” the action can only be used before the approval of the inventory change transaction. In all cases, the action can only be selected if there are no other picking lists for the same inventory change transaction that have not been closed in the Picking Lists window.

In the case of receipts, the picking list is an internal message to the warehouse that the received items should now be moved away from the location at which they were received to the relevant storage locations. In the case of shipments, it acts as an internal message to the warehouse that the items should be moved to the shipping location for shipping, and for transferal, the action is first used for moving items to the shipping location, and after the approval of the inventory change, it can be used again for moving the items away from the receiving location at the target warehouse.

A picking list is always created on the basis of a warehouse transaction assigned to the current inventory change transaction. Therefore, if no open warehouse transaction exists for the inventory change transaction (as a result of selecting the action “Create Warehouse Transaction”), Maconomy creates one in the same way as described for the action “Create Warehouse Transaction,” and automatically approves it before creating, approving, and printing a picking list from it. For a description on how the locations and quantities are determined on the automatically created warehouse transaction, see the description of the action “Create Warehouse Transaction” above. Lines with a quantity of zero are not included on the picking list. When the picking list is created from the warehouse transaction, Maconomy suggests a location from where to pick the items on each line, and sometimes creates several picking list lines for each item line, if the desired quantity is not available at one location. For further information on this process, see the description of the action “Print Picking List” in the window Warehouse Transactions. Thus, you can skip the step of warehouse transaction creation by selecting this action.

If an open warehouse transaction already exists for the current order, this transaction is approved, and the picking list is created from that warehouse transaction, using the quantities and locations specified there.

When the action is selected on a shipment transaction or a transferal transaction that has not yet been approved, it applies for itemized BOMs without inventory control that only the BOM parts on the highest level with inventory control are included.

When the items have been picked, the warehouse personnel reports the actual quantities and various other information in the window Picking Lists.

In order to print a picking list, you need access to printing packing lists. This is given in the window Actions in the Set-Up module.

Approve Transaction Select this action to approve the transaction in the window. Maconomy marks the field “Approved” in the card part of the window and updates the field “Stock on Hand” and the cost fields for the relevant warehouses in the windows Item Information Card and Item Information. The action can only be selected if no open warehouse transactions or picking lists exist for the transaction.

Based on this approval, Maconomy creates an item journal in the G/L module. The G/L inventory value account specified in the field “Inventory Value” on the Warehouse Information Card by means of a dimension combination is updated when the item journal is posted in the windows Posting or Print Posting Journal. The following entries are created in the item journal, depending on the type of change recorded.

When you enter a “Receipt,” the total cost of the receipt and any expenses are debited to the account for Inventory Value and credited to the manual offset account referred to by means of a dimension combination in the “Shipments and Receipts” field of the receiving warehouse. If the items are shipped to the warehouse at a cost that is different from the current cost, Maconomy generates entries for cost adjustments for every warehouse to which the item is assigned. The accounts used for these adjustments, “Inventory Value” and the Auto Write Up/Down account “For Purchase,” are specified by means of dimension combinations on the warehouse information card. Maconomy does not automatically create and post a vendor invoice when you enter item receipts in this window.

When you enter a “Shipment,” the transaction’s total cost is credited to the Inventory Value account and debited to the Manual Offset Account specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Shipments and Receipts” in the shipping Warehouse Information Card.

If Maconomy makes an automatic cost adjustment due to the rounding up of amounts, the adjustment is posted to the account specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “For Sale” in the island Auto. Write Up/Down on the Warehouse Information Card.

When you enter a “Transfer,” the transaction’s total cost is credited to the Inventory Value account for the shipping warehouse and debited to the Inventory Value account for the receiving inventory.

If Maconomy makes an automatic cost adjustment due to the rounding up of figures, the adjustment is posted to the account for manual cost adjustments specified by means of a dimension combination on the Warehouse Information Card.

When you enter an “Inventory Count,” the transaction’s total cost is either debited or credited to the Inventory Value account, depending on whether the result is positive or negative. The offsetting amount is posted to the “Inventory Count” account specified by means of a dimension combination in the Warehouse Information Card.

If Maconomy makes an automatic cost adjustment due to the rounding up of figures, the adjustment is posted to the account for manual cost adjustments.

When you enter “Cost Adjustment,” Maconomy makes entries to the Inventory Value account of the warehouse in question. Depending on whether the cost is adjusted up or down, Maconomy creates a debit or credit entry to the Inventory Value account of the warehouse in question. The amount corresponds to the change in value caused by the cost adjustment. The offsetting entry is posted to the manual offset account given by means of a dimension combination in the “Cost Adjust.” field in the information cards of the relevant warehouse.

When you enter “Misc. Losses,” the transaction’s total cost is credited to the Inventory Value account for the shipping warehouse and debited to the Manual Offset Account specified by means of a dimension combination in the field “Misc. Losses” on the shipping Warehouse Information Card.

If Maconomy makes an automatic cost adjustment due to the rounding up of figures, the adjustment is posted to the account for manual cost adjustments.

If the item in an inventory change is under serial number control, the change types “Shipment,” “Receipt,” “Transfer,” and “Misc. Losses” require serial number information in the window Serial Number Movement.