Items Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Items Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Item No. Here you enter the number of the item in the transaction.

Maconomy verifies that the number exists, that is, that it is created in the Item Information Card window. Maconomy also verifies that the item is assigned to the specified Receipt and Shipment warehouses. Maconomy alerts you if the item has been discontinued.

Unit This is the item unit recorded in the warehouse. It cannot be changed here. If the warehouse transaction was created from one of the registration types in the islands Purchase, Sales or Production in the card part, the unit is retrieved from the registration line on which the current warehouse transaction line is based.
Quantity Here you enter the quantity of items moved. You must enter a value for every type of movement except “Cost Adjustment,” for which Maconomy makes a number of adjustments, depending on whether you enter a quantity. This is described in more detail in the field “Cost.” An inventory count records the inventory variance (positive or negative), and not the quantity counted.

Maconomy verifies that the amount is larger than 0 for movements of the type “Receipt,” “Shipment,” “Transfer” and “Misc. Losses.” The field cannot be changed on automatically created transactions. If the type is “Count,” a positive figure indicates the missing quantity of the item, while a negative figure indicates the extra of items found compared to what was expected.

Shipment Loc. In this field, you can specify the location in the From Warehouse from which the items on the current line are to be shipped. When you create a new line on a shipment or transfer transaction, Maconomy checks if a standard picking location has been specified in the table part of the item’s information card on a line pertaining to the warehouse specified on the current transaction line. If a standard picking location has been specified and if this location is also marked as a shipping location in the window Warehouse Information Card, the item’s standard picking location is suggested in this field, but the value can be changed manually. If no standard picking location has been specified for the item or if the item has a standard picking location for the warehouse but it is not a shipping location, Maconomy suggests a blank value in this field.

If the field is blank, the location number specified in the card part of the window will apply to the line. The field can only be completed for transactions of the types “Shipment,” “Transfer,” “Inventory Count,” and “Misc. Losses.”

Receipt Loc. In this field, you can specify the location in the To Warehouse at which the items on the current line are received. When you create a new line for a receipt or transfer transaction, Maconomy checks if a standard storage location has been specified in the table part of the item’s information card on a line pertaining to the warehouse specified on the current transaction line. If a standard storage location has been specified and if this location is also marked as a receipt location in the window Warehouse Information Card, the item’s standard storage location is suggested in this field, but the value can be changed manually. If no standard storage location has been specified for the item or if the item has a standard storage location for the warehouse but it is not a receipt location, Maconomy suggests a blank value in this field. When this field is blank, the stock location number specified in the card part of the window will apply to the line. The field can only be completed for transactions of the types “Receipt” and “Transfer.”
Cost Here you specify the cost per pricing unit in the currency of the transaction, that is, the currency shown in the field “Currency” in the card part. The field applies to movements of the type “Receipt” and “Cost Adjustment.” Maconomy verifies that the price per pricing unit is 0 or higher. For “Receipt” movements, Maconomy suggests the last cost in the “From Warehouse” (found in the table part of the item information card) if you leave the field blank. The field cannot be changed on automatically created transactions.

When you enter an inventory change of the type “Cost Adjustment,” you can use this field to correct the cost per pricing unit, regardless of the costing method your company is using. The costing method is maintained in the Item Group Information Card. If you do not enter a quantity in the “Quantity” field, the item’s cost in the “To Warehouse” will be changed to the value entered here. If you enter a quantity in the “Quantity” field, Maconomy records that the quantity has been received at the new cost instead of the cost in table part of the Item Information Card. The last cost entered for the item at the “To Warehouse” is replaced with the cost entered here. This facility makes it possible to adjust the cost of the last shipment of items.

For items with a FIFO costing method, a cost adjustment can only be carried out for one item batch at a time, and you can therefore not enter a quantity. If you want to regulate the cost price for a total volume of such an item in a given warehouse, you must create a line for each item batch. The item batch number is entered in the field “FIFO Batch No.”

Cost price adjustment is used, among other things, to adjust the variances recorded to the account to which the dimension combination in the field “Cost and Quantity Variances” on the warehouse in question refers.

Cost, Base This field shows the amount in the field “Cost” above, converted into the base currency of the company responsible for the current transaction.
Pricing Unit This field shows how many item units are included in the unit price. This applies to sales prices, costs, weight and volume. The value cannot be changed here.
FIFO Batch No. If the item on the line is provided with the costing method FIFO, shipment (of the inventory change type “Shipment,” “Transfer” and “Misc. Losses”), a cost adjustment can be made for a specific item batch entered in this field. If you do not enter an item batch number at a cost adjustment, Maconomy will adjust the cost price of the earliest created item batch in the selected warehouse. The field cannot be changed on automatically created transactions.
Description This is the item text from the field “Description Lang. 1” in the item’s information card. The text cannot be changed here.
Allocate Back Order If you mark this field on a line on an inventory change for receipt or transferal, the items received will automatically be reserved and set for packing on sales orders on which there are units of the current item on back order. This happens when the inventory change is approved. Even if the inventory change is assigned to an item purchase order which in turn is assigned to a sales order, the items are reserved for packing on back orders rather than the sales order for which the items were intended. If there are more units on back order than received, Maconomy allocates the items to the back orders with the earliest delivery date as the first priority.

If this field is not marked, the items are not reserved and set for packing on back orders. If the inventory change is assigned to an item purchase order which in turn is assigned to a sales order, the items are therefore transferred to that sales order, and any remainder is not reserved. The field can only be marked if the back order method “By Reservation” has been selected in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.