Sales Calculation Workspace

Use this workspace to calculate prices and delivery dates for potential orders without actually creating the orders.

The functionality of this workspace is useful when, for example, a customer wants to place an order, provided that the goods can be delivered within a certain time frame. In the Quote and Sales Orders workspaces, you can only determine the delivery dates by actually creating a quote or an order and a number of item lines, but in this workspace, you can have Maconomy provide the necessary price and delivery information without creating a quote or an order.

You can browse through the existing customers. If a given customer wants an estimate of the price of a certain quantity of a given item, or a guarantee that the items can be delivered before a certain date, you can enter the item number while the customer in question is shown in the workspace. After you have also entered the quantity, preferred delivery date, and other details that can influence the price and delivery time, Maconomy calculates the item's price, delivery date, discounts, and so on. Maconomy performs the calculations using the same methods as when normally entering item lines on, for example, sales orders.

If the customer decides to place the order based on the information in the workspace, you must create the order independently as a quote or sales order in the one of the Quote or Sales Orders workspaces.