Roll Forward Jobs Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Roll Forward Jobs tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Lines Select this field to show the jobs that match the selection criteria.
Company No. Use these fields to enter a range of company numbers.
Customer No. Use these fields to enter a range of customer numbers.
Job No. Use these fields to enter a range of job numbers.
Project Manager Use these fields to select a project manager.
Account Manager Use the fields to select an account manager.
Expected Ending Date Use this field to enter a range of expected ending dates.
Year Use this field to enter a year.
Only Jobs Recurring Annually Select this option to only see jobs marked as recurring.
Show Closed Jobs Select this option to include jobs that are already closed.
Show Rolled Forward Jobs Select this option to include jobs that have already been rolled forward.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location Use these fields to enter an interval of location names.
Entity Use these fields to enter an interval of entity names.
Project Use these fields to enter an interval of project names.
Purpose Use these fields to enter an interval of purpose names.
Specification 1-3 Use these fields to enter an interval of specification 1 – specification 3 names.
Local Spec. 1-3 Use these fields to enter an interval of local specification 1 – local specification 3 names.