Destination Properties Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Destination Properties sub-tab.

Field Description
Property Name In this field, you can specify the name of the property which you want to create as a destination property.
Property Type This field shows the property type to which the property is assigned.
Requirement In this field, you can specify whether items to be sent to the current destination should or should not have the property specified on the current line. If you mark the field, Maconomy will issue a warning if you create an order line on an order assigned to the current destination, and the item on the order line has one or more properties of the current property type, but does not possess the current property. If you mark this field on several lines for the same destination, using properties of the same property type and the item has one or more properties of the current property type, an item only has to possess one of the properties in question to be in compliance with the requirements. Maconomy does not issue a warning if you enter an item not having any properties of the current type.

If you do not mark this field, Maconomy will issue a warning if you create an order line on an order assigned to the current destination, and the item on the order line does possess the current property. Please note that although several destination property lines exist with properties of the same type and this field unmarked, Maconomy will issue a warning if you create an order line on an order assigned to the current destination, and the item on the order line possesses but one of the properties in question.

Items are assigned properties in the window Item Properties in the Inventory module.

Remarks 1-5 In these fields, you enter a number of remarks about the current destination property. Maconomy suggests the remarks from the property information card, but you can change the remarks here.