Destination Properties Workspace

Use this workspace to set up a number of criteria for the properties of the items to be delivered to each destination

A property can, for instance, be specifications about the frequency or voltage of an item.

You assign properties to items in the Item Properties workspace; in the Destination Properties workspace you can specify that items delivered to the current destination should or should not have particular properties. Maconomy issues a warning if you create quote or order lines that include items that do not comply with the property criteria of the destination to which the quote or order in question is to be delivered. Using destination properties, you can thus specify that electrical items delivered to a given destination should use 220 volts, or that chilled goods should not be sent to a given destination because the proper storage facilities are not available there. Note that Maconomy only uses the destination properties as a warning in those cases where you create quote or order lines that do not comply with the property criteria of a destination. You can still assign an order to a consignment to a given destination, even if the items on the order do not have the correct properties.