BOM Production Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to generate Bills of Materials (BOM).

Manufacturing companies that produce finished items from the raw materials in stock typically use the BOM Production feature. The BOM item is called the finished item, and the BOM component parts are typically the raw materials. Maconomy uses the list of item parts in the Bill of Materials Information Card as the basic recipe for the finished item. Work hours, which represent a cost, are a valid raw material in the production. You create work hours as a BOM part without inventory control.

You can either create a production transaction directly in this workspace, or you can create it from a production selection in the Production Selection workspace.

In the BOM Production tab of this workspace, you specify general information about the production transaction (that is, the production itself), such as its number, inventories, and cost principle. In the Production Lines sub-tab you enter how many finished items to produce. You can produce several different finished items at the same time.

You can also choose between normal or reverse production. Reverse production refers to the disassembly of production items, for example, the disassembly of a table into a table top and four legs. When you approve a reverse production, Maconomy splits up the finished items in question into a number of raw materials that are then added to the stock of the raw materials warehouse. Maconomy calculates the cost of the raw materials from the cost of the finished item, using the price ratios that you specify on the BOM. However, you can change the price ratios in the Production Reports workspace.

Maconomy calculates the cost either as the sum of the raw material costs or as specified beforehand. Raw materials and finished items must exist in the system before you can produce a BOM here. You can assign them to the same warehouse, or you can separate them into inventories for raw materials and finished items. You must assign all raw materials that have inventory control to the same warehouse.

You complete a production by first selecting Reserve Raw Materials. If some of the raw materials that have inventory control are not available, Maconomy alerts you. Before you approve the production transaction, and before you complete the production—that is, before you update inventories—you can create a report of the actual raw materials usage in the Production Reports workspace.

You can use the Print Requirement Analysis workspace to find out whether there are enough raw materials on stock to perform the production, before you reserve any raw materials.

When the production is complete, Maconomy deducts the raw materials from the warehouse of raw materials and adds the finished items to the warehouse of finished goods. Maconomy creates an item journal of all the financial transactions, which is ready to be posted.