BOM Production Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the BOM Production Tab.

Transaction Island

Field Description
Trans. No. This is the number of the production transaction. Maconomy automatically allocates the next available number in the transaction number series specified for the company responsible for the transaction. You cannot change the number here, but you determine how numbers are allocated in the window System Numbers in the Set-Up module.
Trans. Type This is the transaction type of the production transaction. If the field is left empty, Maconomy will set it to the default transaction type in the Item journal (for the specific company and user.)
Created by This is the name of the user who created the transaction. The name cannot be changed.
Date This is the date the transaction was created. It is not necessarily the date of the production, which is the date when the transaction is approved. The date cannot be changed.
Reserved This field shows whether you have reserved any raw materials for the production in the table part. If this field is marked, you have used the action “Reserve Raw Materials” for the production transaction, and the relevant order volume, back order volume and available volume for the raw materials have been updated in the warehouse selected in the field “Raw Materials.”

Before reserving raw materials, you can use the Print Requirement Analysis to find out whether there are enough raw materials available for the production.

Approved This field shows whether the transaction has been approved, that is, whether the production has been completed. Only the quantity specified in the field “Number to End Report” is approved when the action “Approve Production” is selected. Thus, it is possible to only approve part of a production. When the number of units specified in the field “Quantity” has been approved, it is no longer possible to make changes to the current production in this window. Units can only be approved for production once.
Approved by This is the name of the user who approved the transaction, using the action “Approve Production.” The name cannot be changed.
Date This is the date the production transaction was approved. This is the date Maconomy registers all transactions involved in the production. The date cannot be changed.
Closed This field shows whether the current production transaction has been fully closed, that is, if the number of items shown in the field “Number End Reported” corresponds to the number shown in the field “Quantity.” When the last unit on the production transaction is end reported using the action “Approve Production,” the production transaction is automatically closed, and no further changes can be made to the transaction in this window. The field is only used on production transaction with positive production direction, and it cannot be completed manually.

Production Island

Field Description
Raw Materials Here, you select the raw materials warehouse. When the production is approved, the raw materials are removed from the warehouse if they have inventory control. The corresponding inventory value is registered when you post the item journal. If none of the raw materials have inventory control, this field cannot be used. You can only select a warehouse which is assigned to the same company as the finished goods warehouse.
Raw Material Loc. In this field, you can specify the location in the current warehouse from which the raw materials are taken. This location will apply to those lines in the table part of the window Production Reports where the raw material location field is left blank. If a raw material location is specified on a given production report line, it overrules any location specified in this field. When you create a production transaction, Maconomy suggests the standard production location specified for the selected warehouse, but you can specify another location. If no standard production location has been specified for the warehouse, Maconomy suggests a blank value.
Finished Goods Here, you select the warehouse of finished goods. When the production is approved, the finished items are placed in this warehouse. When you post the item journal, the corresponding inventory value is added to the inventory value account for finished items. If cost is calculated from the cost of the raw materials, and a variance occurs, Maconomy will adjust the cost of the finished item in the finished goods warehouse. You can only select a warehouse which is assigned to the same company as the raw materials warehouse.
Finished Goods Loc. In this field, you can specify the location in the current warehouse from which the raw materials should be taken. This means that the stock of the items should be decreased for this location when the production is complete. This location will apply to those lines in the table part where the location field is left blank. If a location is specified on a given line in the table part, it overrules any location specified in this field. When you create a production transaction, Maconomy suggests the standard production location specified for the selected warehouse, but you can specify another location. If no standard production location has been specified for the warehouse, Maconomy suggests a blank value.
Entry Description Here you enter an entry text. The text appears on all G/L entries related to the production. If you leave this field blank, Maconomy allocates a standard text from the Posting Descriptions window in the G/L module.

Cost Calculation Island

Field Description
From Raw Mat. Here you specify how to calculate costs. If this field is marked, the cost of one finished item is calculated as the sum of the costs of its raw materials. In other words: Costs of the BOM parts, multiplied by the quantity of each BOM part, divided by the pricing unit of the BOM part, produces the cost of the BOM header.

You can also read this amount in the “Cost” field in the card part of the BOM information card of the finished item. However, this requires that the BOM composition has not been changed after the finished item is entered in the production transaction.

If you leave this field blank, the finished item is inventoried at its registered cost. This cost is retrieved from the BOM Information Card window. If there is a difference between this cost and the sum of the costs of the raw materials, the difference is posted to the production account specified by means of a dimension combination in the warehouse information card of the warehouse of finished goods.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can enter the number of the company responsible for the current production transaction. If you do not enter a value, the company to which the finished goods warehouse is assigned is automatically transferred to this field.
Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.